School of Railway Engineering- Dr.yaghini

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  (30 November 2011)

  1. Personal Details





  Date of birth:


  Present Position:

  Faculty Member, Department of Rail Transportation, School of Railway Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology


  +98-21-77240540-50, 3512

  E-mail: ,


ResearcherId Profile: Masoud Yaghini
ORCid Profile: Masoud Yaghini
Google Scholar Profile: Masoud Yaghini
2. Education

  2.1. University Degrees

  · Ph.D. in Rail Transportation Planning and Engineering , Northern Jiaotong University, Beijing, China, 2003.

  2.2. Selected Short Course

  · Ergonomics and Human Factors for Railways, held by Birmingham University, Birmingham, England, 2005.


  3. Research Interests

  · Exact, Heuristic and Matheuristic Optimization Methods.

  · Network Flows, Multicommodity Flow, Network Design Problems.

  · Information Technology and Information System Management.

  · Data Mining Technique and Their Applications in Railway such as Mining Train Delays and Ticket Sales Data.

  · Planning Problems in Rail Transportation such as Railroad Blocking, Train Makeup and Routing, Train Scheduling, Crew Scheduling.

  4. Employment

  · Assistant Professor , Department of Rail Transportation Engineering, School of railway Engineering , Iran University of Science and Technology, Since September 2003.

  · Manager of Computer Center , School of railway Engineering , Iran University of Science and Technology, 2003-2005.

  · International Relationship Manager , School of railway Engineering , Iran University of Science and Technology, 2006-2007.

  · University Register Office Manager , Iran University of Science and Technology, Since 2007-2011.

  · Research Laboratory of Intelligent Computations in Rail Transportation Manager, Since 2009.

  · Information Technology adviser of President of Iran University of Science and Technology, Since February 2011.

  5. Teaching Experiences

  5.1. Undergraduate Courses


  Advanced Computer Programming ( with FORTRAN) , School of Engineering, Azad University.


  Commercial Computer Programming (with COBOL), School of Management, Azad University.


  Application of Computer in Management , School of Management, Azad University


  Principles of Simulation , School of Railway Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology.


  Systems Analysis , School of Railway Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology.


  Management Information Systems , School of Railway Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering, and Center of E-Learning, Iran University of Science and Technology.


  Train Scheduling Methods , School of Railway Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology.


  Application of Computer in Railway , School of Railway Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology.


  Principles of Railway Operations , School of Railway Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology.


  Advanced Computer Programming (with Java), School of Railway Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology.

  5.2. Postgraduate Courses


  Information Technology Management , Department of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology.


  Management Information Systems , Department of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology; International Campus of Kish Island, Sharif University of Technology (Teaching in English Language).


  Railway Operations Management, School of Railway Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology.


  Advanced Operations Research , School of Railway Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology.


  Application of Information Technology in Railway , School of Railway Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology.


  Rail Transportation Planning, School of Railway Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology.


  Data Mining and Its Applications in Railway , School of Railway Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology.


  Analysis of Railway Capacity , School of Railway Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology.

  5.3. Short Courses


  Information Management , Institute for Productivity and Human Resource Development .


  Information Technology Management , Kosar Investment Holding Co. 


  Managerial Role if Information Technology Deployment , Logistic Research Center. 

  6. Publication

  6.1. Papers in ISI Journals


  M. Yaghini,A. Foroughi,B. Nadjari,Solving railroad blocking problem using ant colony optimization algorithm, Applied Mathematica Modelling ,Vol.35,PP.5579–5591,2011.DOI:  10.1016/j.apm.2011.05.018. (Abstract)


  M. Yaghini, M.A. Shadmani, GOFAM: a hybrid neural network classifier combining fuzzy ARTMAP and genetic algorithm, Artificial Intelligence Review, 2011 (in press). DOI: 10.1007/s10462-011-9265-3.  (Abstract)


  M. Yaghini, M. M. Khoshraftar, M. Seyedabadi, Railway Passenger Train Delay Prediction Via Neural Network Model, Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2011 (in press). DOI: 10.1002/atr.193.  (Abstract)


  6.2. Papers in ISC and International Journals (in English)


  M. Yaghini, A. Bourouni, R.H. Amiri, A Framework for Selection of Information Systems Development Methodologies, Computer and Information Science, Vol. 2, No. 1, PP. 3-11, 2009. (Abstract)


  M. Yaghini, J. Lessan, H. Gholami Mazinan, An Efficient Hybrid Metaheuristic for Capacitated p-Median Problem, International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Research, Vol. 21, No. 1, PP. 11-15, 2010.  (Abstract)


  M. Yaghini, N. Ghazanfari, Tabu-KM: A Hybrid Clustering Algorithm Based on Tabu Search Approach, International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Research, Vol. 21, No. 2, PP. 71-79, 2010.  (Abstract)


  M. Yaghini, M. R. Akhavan, DIMMA: A Design and Implementation Methodology for Metaheuristic Algorithms - A Perspective from Software Development, International Journal of Applied Metaheuristic Computing, Vol. 1, No. 4, PP. 58-75, 2010.  (Abstract)


  M. Yaghini, M. Momeni, M. Sarmadi, Finding the Shortest Hamiltonian Path for Iranian Cities Using Hybrid Simulated Annealing and Ant Colony Optimization Algorithms, International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Research, Vol. 22, No. 1, PP. 31-42, 2011. (Abstract)


  M. Yaghini, M. Momeni, M. Sarmadi, DIMMA-Implemented Metaheuristics for Finding Shortest Hamiltonian Path Between Iranian Cities Using Sequential DOE Approach for Parameters Tuning, International Journal of Applied Metaheuristic Computing, Vol. 2, No. 2, PP. 74-92, 2011.  (Abstract)


  M. Yaghini, M. Karimi, and M. Rahbar, A Hybrid Simulated Annealing and Simplex Method for Fixed-Cost Capacitated Multicommodity Network Design, International Journal of Applied Metaheuristic Computing, Vol. 2, No. 4, 13-28, 2011. DOI: 10.4018/jamc.2011100102. (Abstract)


  M. Yaghini, M. M. Khoshraftar, M. Seyedabadi, A Population-based Algorithm for the Railroad Blocking Problem, Journal of Industrial Engineering International, 2011 (in press).  (Abstract)

  6.3. Papers in ISC and Scientific Journals (in Farsi)


  M. Yaghini, S.F. Ghannadpour, Railway Crew Scheduling Using Heuristic Model, Journal of Transportation Research, Vol. 6, No. 4, PP. 381-395, 2009.  (Abstract)


  M. Yaghini, M. P. Aghaei, B. Nadjari, A Simulated Annealing Algorithm for Solving Railroad Blocking Problem in Freight Railroads, Journal of Transportation Research, Vol. 7, No. 2, PP. 185-195, 2010.  (Abstract)


  M. Yaghini, J. Lesan, Solving the Capacitated Clustering Problem Using Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithms, International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Management, Vol. 21, No. 3, PP. 45-54, 2010 .  (Abstract)


  M. Yaghini, M.M. Khoshraftar, S. M. Seyedabadi, Predicting Passenger Train Delays Using Neural Network, Journal of Transportation Research, Vol. 7, No. 3, PP. 291-303, 2010.  (Abstract)


  H. Shamsipour, M. Yaghini, M.A. Sandidzadeh, Optimizing Bus Stop Locations Using Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm, Journal of Traffic Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 44, 2010.  (Abstract)


  M. Yaghini, N. Nikoo, H. Jaefari, The Performance Analyzes of Aprin Yard Using Simulation Technique, Journal of Transportation Research, Vol. 7, No. 4, PP. 389-410, 2011.  (Abstract)


  M. Yaghini, Z. Khandaghabadi, Solving Dynamic Rail-Car Fleet Sizing Problem by A Hybrid Metaheuristic Algorithm, Journal of Transportation Research, Vol. 8, No. 1, 2011.  (Abstract)


  M. Yaghini, A. Mohammadzadeh, A Train Scheduling Model by Considering the Train Stops for Prayer, Journal of Industrial Engineering - University of Tehran, Vol. 45, No. 1, PP. 103-116, 2011.  (Abstract)


  Somaye Hidari & Masoud Yaghini, Prediction of Students’ Educational Status with Data Mining Techniques, Higher Education Letter, 2011 (in press).  (Abstract)


  M. Yaghini, M. Vard, Automatic Clustering of Mixed Data Using Genetic Algorithm, International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Management, 2011 (in press).  (Abstract)


  M. Yaghini, R. Soltanian, J. Noori, A Hybrid Clustering Method Using Genetic Algorithm with New Variation Operators, International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Management, 2011 (in press).  (Abstract)

  6.4. Papers in International Conferences (in English)


  M. Yaghini , S. He , H. Yang , A. Hu, Optimizing Railroad Operating Plans: A Compound Freight Routing and Train Scheduling Model, The Third International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies, ICTTS’2002, July 23-25, China, 2002.(Abstract)


  M. Yaghini, S. Sharifian, Investigation of Traffic Factors in Accident Zones in Iranian Railways (RAI) by Applying Data Mining Techniques, RAILROME 2011. (Abstract)


  M. Yaghini, M.M. Khoshraftar, M. Seyedabadi, Predicting Passenger Train Delays Using Neural Network, RAILROME 2011. (Abstract)


  M. Yaghini, N. Sakhaee, H. Shahbaznezhad, Management and Data Mining in Demand Estimation Approach for Perfect Revenue Management, IKM2011, 10th Annual Information & Knowledge Management Conference, 2011. (Abstract)


  M.R. Akhavan, M. Yaghini, Solving Combined Blocking and Train Makeup Problem with Ant Colony Optimization, 4th International Conference of Iranian Operations Research Society, May 18-19, 2011. (Abstract)


  M.R. Akhavan, M. Yaghini, A Tabu Search Algorithm for Unsplittable Capacitated Network Design, 4th International Conference of Iranian Operations Research Society, May 18-19, 2011. (Abstract) 


  M. Yaghini, K. R. Chizari, M. Mortazavi, E. Khaji, M. Hoseynzadeh, MAKER: A New Algorithm in Finding Frequent Itemsets, Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, ICAI2011, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, July 18-21, 2011. (Abstract)


  M. Yaghini, M. M. Khoshraftar, M. Fallahi, HIOPGA: A New Hybrid Metaheuristic Algorithm to Train Feedforward Neural Networks for Prediction, Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Mining, DMIN2011, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, July 18-21, 2011. (Abstract) 


  M. Yaghini, T. Zhiyan, M. Fallahi, A Prediction Model for Recognition of Bad Credit Customers in Saman Bank Using Neural Networks, Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Mining, DMIN2011, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, July 18-21, 2011. (Abstract)

  6.5. Papers in National and International Conferences (in Farsi)


  M. Yaghini, Line Capacity Calculation in Automatic Block Systems and Finding Optimal Distances for Block Posts, 4th Fourth International Conference on Rail Transportation, 1998. .(Abstract)


  M. Yaghini, Survey on Mathematical Models of Train Makeup, Routing, and Scheduling Problems, 5th International Conference on Rail Transportation, 2000. .(Abstract)


  M. Yaghini, M. Noori, M. Gholipour, Enterprise Resource Planning in Iranian Railway, 8th International Conference on Rail Transportation, 2006. .(Abstract)


  M. Bourjerdi, S. Sharifian, M. Yaghini, Business Process Reengineering in Transportation Functional Area of Iranian Railway, 8th International Conference on Rail Transportation, 2006 .(Abstract)


  M. Yaghini, S. Sharifian, M. Bourjerdi, Business Process Reengineering of Locomotive Distribution, 5th International Conference on Industrial Engineering (IIIEC), 2007. (Abstract)


  M. Yaghini, A. Akabari, M. Sharifi, Predicting Students’ Educational Status using Data Mining Techniques, IDMC2008, 2th Iranian Data Mining Conference, 11-12 November, 2008. (Abstract)


  M. Yaghini, M. Sharifi, A. Akabari, Student Clustering and Extracting Association Rules in University Educational System, IDMC2008, 2th Iranian Data Mining Conference, 11-12 November, 2008. (Abstract)


  M. Yaghini, R. Seyedi, N. Geryli Nia, Passenger Stations Clustering in Iranian Railway, IDMC2008, 2th Iranian Data Mining Conference, 11-12 November, 2008. (Abstract)


  M. Yaghini, S. Hidari, Using Data Mining Techniques to Improve University Educational Processes, IDMC2008, 2th Iranian Data Mining Conference, 11-12 November, 2008. (Abstract) 


  M. Yaghini, S. F. Ghannadpour, S. Khedmatlou, A Heuristic Clustering Method Using Genetic Algorithm: A Case Study in Railway, IDMC2008, 2th Iranian Data Mining Conference, 11-12 November, 2008. (Abstract) 


  M. Yaghini, V. Shakorniaz, A. H. Aliakbari, Clustering Analysis of Students’ Data for Iran University of Science and Technology, IDMC2008, 2th Iranian Data Mining Conference, 11-12 November, 2008 .(Abstract)


  F. Motallebi, M. Yaghini, R. A. Ehyaei, A Conceptual Model of Customer Relationship Management for Passenger Trains Company of Raja, 11th International Conference on Rail Transportation, 2009. (Abstract)


  F. Fathipour, M. Yaghihni, Finding Optimal Location of Crew Depot in Crew Scheduling Problem, 11th International Conference on Rail Transportation, 2009. (Abstract)


  M. K. Aliabadi, H. R. Ghadamnan, M. Yaghini, Predicting Abnormal Geometric Conditions of Railway Tracks for Khorasan Corridor, ICRARE2009, 2th International Conference on on Recent Advances in Railway Engineering, 2009. (Abstract)


  M. Yaghini, F. Fathipour, Modeling and Solving Multi-objective Crew Scheduling Problem Using Column Generation Approach, ICRARE2009, 2th International Conference on on Recent Advances in Railway Engineering, 2009. (Abstract)  


  M. Yaghini, H. G. Mazinan, A. Rostamabadi, Duty Optimization in Crew Scheduling Problem Using Minimum Cost Flow Approach, ICRARE2009, 2th International Conference on on Recent Advances in Railway Engineering, 2009 .(Abstract)


  M. Yaghini, F. Fathipour, Solving Railway Crew Scheduling Problem Using Column Generation Algorithm, 2th International Conference on Operations Research, 2009. (Abstract)


  M. Yaghini, M. Vard, A Genetic Algorithm Based Method for Automatic Clustering of Mixed Numeric and Categorical Data, IDMC2009, 3th Iranian Data Mining Conference, 2009. (Abstract)


  M. Yaghini, M. Mortazavi, K. R. Chizari, M. Hoseeinzadeh, E. Khaji, A New Algorithm for Association Rules, IDMC2009, 3th Iranian Data Mining Conference, 2009. (Abstract) 


  M. Yaghini, R. Soltanian, J. Noori, H. G. Mazinan, A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm and K-Means Clustering Method, IDMC2009, 3th Iranian Data Mining Conference, 2009. (Abstract)


  M. Yaghini, M. Ranjpour, F. Yousefi, A Survey on Fuzzy Clustering Methods, IDMC2009, 3th Iranian Data Mining Conference, 2009. (Abstract)


  M. Yaghini, M.A. Shadmani, A Fuzzy ARTMAP Classification Method Using Genetic Algorithm, IDMC2009, 3th Iranian Data Mining Conference, 2009. (Abstract)  


  M. Yaghini, S. Kavakab, A Prediction Hybrid Algorithm Using Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithm, IDMC2009, 3th Iranian Data Mining Conference, 2009. (Abstract)


  M. Yaghini, N. Ghazanfari, S. Kavakeb, A Hybrid Clustering Algorithm Using Tabu Search Approach, IDMC2009, 3th Iranian Data Mining Conference, 2009. (Abstract)


  M. Yaghini, Z. Khandaghabadi, Optimization of Freight Rail Car Fleet Sizing in Railway, 12th International Conference on Rail Transportation, 2010. (Abstract)  


  M. Yaghini, M.S. Yahyaei, N. Nikoo, Predicting Train Delays of Raja Company Using Data Mining Techniques, 12th International Conference on Rail Transportation, 2010. (Abstract)


  M. Yaghini, M.R. Akhavan, S.M. Seyedabadi, Solving Compound Car Blocking and Train Makeup Problem Using Ant Colony Optimization, 12th International Conference on Rail Transportation, 2010. (Abstract)


  A. Alimoammadian, M. Yaghini, S. Sharifi, Optimization of Passenger Line Planning in Iranian Railway: A Case Study on Tehran-Khozestan, 12th International Conference on Rail Transportation, 2010.(Abstract) 


  M. Yaghini, M. Momeni, M.R. Sarmadi, Finding the Shortest Hamiltonian Path of Railway Network Using Tabu Search Algorithm, 12th International Conference on Rail Transportation, 2010. (Abstract)


  M. Yaghini, E. Barati, Z. Saghian, Solving Freight Car Blocking Problem Using Tabu Search Algorithm, 12th International Conference on Rail Transportation, 2010.(Abstract)


  M. Yaghini, M. Rahbar, M. Karimi, A Branch-and-Price Method for Solving Car Blocking Problem, 12th International Conference on Rail Transportation, 2010. (Abstract)


  H. Shamsipour, M. Yaghini, Performance Evaluation of Capacitated p-Median Algorithm, 12th International Conference on Rail Transportation, 2010. (Abstract)


  H. Shamsipour, M. Yaghini, M.A. Sandidzadeh, Finding Optimal Locations of Passenger Wagon Maintenance Depots in Iranian Railway with A Hybrid Algorithm, 12th International Conference on Rail Transportation, 2010. (Abstract)


  M. Yaghini, N. Gherylinia, Clustering of Iranian Railway Passenger Stations with Particle Swarm Intelligent and Genetic Algorithm, IDMC2010, 4th Iranian Data Mining Conference, 2010. (Abstract)


  M. Yaghini, M. Momeni, M.R. Sarmadi, Finding the Shortest Hamiltonian Path of Iranian Cities Using Memetic Algorithm, 10th International Conference on Transportation and Traffic Engineering, 2010. (Abstract)


  M. Yaghini, M.S. Yahyaei, N. Nikoo, Clustering Analysis of Passenger Train Delays in Raja Company, 10th International Conference on Transportation and Traffic Engineering, 2010. (Abstract)


  M. Yaghini, N. Nikoo, Optimization of Switching Operations Planning in Railway Stations, 10th International Conference on Transportation and Traffic Engineering, 2010. (Abstract)


  H. Shamsipour, M. Yaghini, M.A. Sandidzadeh, Finding Optimal Locations of Bus Stations Using Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithm Approach, 10th International Conference on Transportation and Traffic Engineering, 2010. (Abstract)


  H. Shamsipour, M. Yaghini, M.A. Sandidzadeh, Finding Optimal Locations of Bus Maintenance Depots Using Genetic Algorithm, 10th International Conference on Transportation and Traffic Engineering, 2010. (Abstract)


  H. Shamsipour, M. Yaghini, Solving Capacitated p-Median Using Modified Genetic Algorithm, 3th International Conference of Iranian Operations Research Association, 2010. (Abstract)


  M. Yaghini, M. Setayesh, A Neuro-Fuzzy Model to Predict Passenger Train Delays, 13th International Conference on Rail Transportation, 24-25 October, 2011. (Abstract)


  M. Yaghini, M. Momeni, M.R. Sarmadi, Solving Train Formation Plan Using A Hybrid Algorithm, 13th International Conference on Rail Transportation, 24-25 October, 2011. (Abstract)


  M. Yaghini, N. Nikoo, M.S. Yahyaei, Analyzing Train Types on Railway Line Capacity, 13th International Conference on Rail Transportation, 24-25 October, 2011.(Abstract)


  M. Yaghini, N. Nikoo, Analyzing Train Formation Time and Yard Performance Using Optimization and Simulation Method, 13th International Conference on Rail Transportation, 24-25 October, 2011. (Abstract)


  M. Yaghini, H.R. Ghazimoghaddam, An Efficient Algorithm for Multi-model Journey Planning in Urban Transportation Networks, 13th International Conference on Rail Transportation, 24-25 October, 2011. (Abstract)

  6.6. Papers in Other Journals (in Farsi)


  Masoud Yaghini, How eCRM, eSCM, and eERP Change the Organization, Information Technology Era, Vol. 1, No. 2, PP. 32-36, 2005. (Abstract)


  Masoud Yaghini, Shabnam Sharifian, & Mona Bourjerdi, What We Need to Know About Business Process Reengineering, Information Technology Era, Vol. 1, No. 5, PP. 73-79, 2005. (Abstract)


  Masoud Yaghini, Introducing PeopleSoft Customer Relationship Management Software, Information Technology Era, Vol. 1, No. 5, PP. 112-114, 2005. (Abstract)


  Masoud Yaghini, Business Competitive Environment and Emerging Digital Organizations, Information Technology Era, Vol. 2, No. 11, PP. 75-79, 2006. (Abstract)


  Masoud Yaghini & Sourosh Nalchigar, An Integrated Framework for Information Technology Management in Organizations, Information Technology Era, Vol. 2, No. 19, PP. 49-54, 2006. (Abstract)


  Masoud Yaghini & Sourosh Nalchigar, The Role of Senior Managers in Information Technology Management, Information Technology Era, Vol. 2, No. 19, PP. 64-68, 2006. (Abstract)


  Masoud Yaghini & Shabnam Sharifian, A Survey on Business Process Reengineering Methodology, Information Technology Era, Vol. 3, No. 26, PP. 69-79, 2007. (Abstract)


  Masoud Yaghini & Yousef Rashvand Haranaki, RFID System and Its Applications, Information Technology Era, Vol. 3, No. 26, PP. 129-135, 2007. (Abstract)

  6.7. Published Books (in Farsi)


  Masoud Yaghini, Ehsan Khavand Kar, & Sourosh Nalchigar, Information Technology Websites, Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology, 2007.


  Masoud Yaghini, Timetabling and Railway Operations, Ghaed Technology Pishro, 2010.


  Masoud Yaghini & Javad Lesan, Railway Operations Planning, Iran University of Science and Technology Publishing, 2010.


  Masoud Yaghini & Mohammad Rahim Akhavan, Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms, Publication of Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research, Amirkabir University , 2010.


  Masoud Yaghini, Shabnam Sharifian, Information Systems Management, 2011 (in press).

  6.8. Other Publications (in Farsi)


  Masoud Yaghini, Train Scheduling Methods (Lecture Notes), Iran University of Science and Technology Publishing, 2005.


  Masoud Yaghini, Management Information Systems (Lecture Notes), Iran University of Science and Technology Publishing, 2006.


  Masoud Yaghini, Management Information Systems (Electronic Lecture Notes), Center of E-Learning, Iran University of Science and Technology Publishing, 2007.

  7. Projects


  System Analyst and Programmer, The Design and Implementation of the Computerized System for Purchasing Capital Equipment, Pars Electric Industrial Complex, 1989.


  Project Manager, The Design and Implementation of the Computerized Customers Information System for Subscribers of Telephone, Telecommunications Company of Iran, 1990.


  Project Manager, The Design and Implementation of the Computerized Accounting Information System for Subscribers of Telephone, Telecommunications Company of Iran, 1990.


  Project Manager, The Design and Implementation of the Computerized Secretariat System, Telecommunications Company of Iran, 1992.


  Systems Analyst and Programmer, The Design and Implementation of the Computerized Maintenance System, 1992.


  Systems Analyst and Programmer, The Design and Implementation of the Computerized Material Requirement Planning System in Chilan Industrial Company, 1993.


  Systems Analyst, The Design and Implementation of the Computerized Library System, Imam Hossein University, 1994.


  Project Manager, The Design and Implementation of the Computerized Personnel System, Telecommunications Company of Iran, 1994.


  Project Manager, The Study of Railway Operations System, Iranian Railway, 1994.


  Project Manager, Identification of Bottlenecks (Critical Block Sections) of Railway Lines in Railway Network and Assessment of Alternatives to Remove Them, Iranian Railway, 1994.


  Project Manager, The Design and Implementation of the Website, Iranian Embassy in Beijing, 1999.


  Project Manager, The Design and Implementation of the Computerized Document Management System, Iranian Embassy in Beijing, 2000.


  Project Manager, Compound Train Makeup, Routing, and Scheduling Optimization, 2002.


  Project Manager, The Design of Comprehensive Railway Operations System, Iranian Railway, 2004.


  Project Manager, Information Technology Mater Planning, Logistics and Engineering Section of Sepah, 2005.


  Project Consultant, Design of Monitoring Center, Raja Passenger Trains Company, 2007.


  Project Supervisor, Standardization of Passenger Stations, Raja Passenger Trains Company, 2008.


  Project Manager, Data Mining in Educational System, Iran University of Science and Technology, 2008.




 Course Pages

 Fall 2010 (891)

 Network Flows

 Advanced Operations Research

 Train Scheduling Methods

 Spring 2010 (882)

  Data Mining

 Rail Transportation Planning

 Management Information Systems

 Fall 2009 (881)

  Advanced Operations Research

  Advanced Programming with Java

  Data Mining

  Management Information Systems

  Train Scheduling Methods

  Spring 2009 (872)

  Advanced Operations Research

  Mangement Information Systems

  Fall 2008 (871)

  Application of IT in Railway

  Train Scheduling

  Fall 2007 (861)

 Management Information Systems
(Department of Electronic Learning)

  Application of IT in Railway

  Train Scheduling
Introduction to Rail Transportation Engineering

  Fall 2006 (851)

  Train Scheduling
Management Information Systems
(Department of Industrial Engineering)

Management Information Systems
(Department of Railway)

  Spring 2006 (842)

  Application of Computer in Railway
Management Information Systems
(Department of Industrial Engineering)
Management Information Systems
(Qeshm Institute of Higher Education, Carleton University's MBA program )
Systems Analysis

  Fall 2005 (841)

 Management Information Systems
(Department of Industrial Engineering)

  Management Information Systems
(School of Railway Engineering)

  Train Scheduling

  Spring 2005 (832)

  Application of Computer in Railway
Management Information Systems
Systems Analysis

  Fall 2004 (831)

  Information Technology Management
Management Information Systems
Management Information Systems
(Department of Industrial Engineering)

Train Scheduling

 Spring 2004 (822)

 Management Information Systems
Systems Analysis

 Fall 2003 (821)

 Management Information Systems

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