Ali Reza Tolou Kian
Assistant Professor of Rail Structure and Track Engineering at Iran University of Science and Technology
- Ph.D. in Railway Tracks and Structures Engineering, School of Railway Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran 2012-2018.
- M.S. in Structural Engineering, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Tehran, Iran 2008-2011.
- B.S. in Civil Engineering, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Tehran, Iran 2004-2008.
- Detection of Rail Corrugation by Processing of Axle Box Acceleration
- Mechanical Ballast Properties
- Sleeper Behavior
- Railway Track Response Influenced with Sand Contamination
- Experimental Modal Analysis
- Attenuation of Railway Induced Vibration by DVA
- Steel Structure Connections
- Assistant Professor of Railway Engineering (2020 to present)
- Casual Lecturer (2018 to 2020)
- Assistant to Project Manager of Building Construction
- Detection and classification of rail corrugation using proceess of axle box acceleration
- Investigation of influences of ballast contamination conditions on sleeper structural behavior (My Ph.D. dissertation)
- Health monitoring of structures using experimental modal analysis
- Investigation of dynamic properties of pre-stressed concrete sleeper reinforced with steel fibers through experimental modal analysis
- Investigation of railway track superstructure
- Experimental investigation of railway ballast mechanical properties influenced with sand contamination
- Development of train-track interaction model in Matlab software
- Investigation of moment resisting connection of I-beam to box column (My M.S. thesis)
- ABAQUS, Sap2000, Etabs, Safe.
- AutoCad
- Fortran
- Mathematica
- Expert in experimental modal analysis (EMA)
- Expert in railway in-situ and laboratory tests
- Expert in geotechnic laboratory tests
- Expert in numerical modeling using FEM
- Expert in structural analysis
- Member of Tehran Construction Engineering Organization
- Design and construction of large-scale direct shear test machine
- Reviewer of MDPI and Elsevier Journals
- Reviewer of International Conference on Recent Advances in Railway Engineering, ICRARE (2023 and 2021)
1- A.R. Tolou Kian, J. Sadeghi and J.A. Zakeri (2020) Influences of railway ballast sand contamination on loading pattern of pre-stressed concrete sleeper. Journal of Construction and Building Materials, 233, pp. 117324. (Publisher: Elsevier). DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2019.117324.
2- J Sadeghi, A.R. Toloukian, MA Zarei, N Khani (2025) Improvement of ballast behavior by inclusion of tire-derived aggregates with optimum size. Journal of Construction and Building Materials, 458, pp. 139530. (Publisher: Elsevier). DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2024.139530.
3- J. Sadeghi1, A. R. Toloukian, Y. Shafieyoon (2024) Metro-induced vibration attenuation using rubberized concrete slab track. Journal of Construction and Building Materials, 435, pp. 136754. (Publisher: Elsevier). DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2024.136754.
4- J. Sadeghi, A.R. Tolou Kian, M. Chopani and A. Khanmoradi (2022) Effects of particle gradations on cyclic behavior of ballast contaminated with sand. Journal of Construction and Building Materials, 342, pp. 127943. (Publisher: Elsevier). DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2022.127943.
5- J. Sadeghi, A.R. Tolou Kian, A. Khanmoradi and M. Chopani (2023) Behavior of sand contaminated ballast reinforced with geogrid under cyclic loading. Journal of Construction and Building Materials, 362, pp. 129654. (Publisher: Elsevier) DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2022.129654.
6- J. Sadeghi, A.R. Tolou Kian, H. Ghiasinejad, M. Fallah and S. Motevali, Effectiveness of geogrid reinforcement in improvement of mechanical behavior of sand-contaminated ballast. Journal of Geotextiles and Geomembranes, Vol 48, pp. 768-779. DOI: 10.1016/j.geotexmem.2020.05.007.
7- A.R. Tolou Kian, J.A. Zakeri and J. Sadeghi (2018) Experimental investigation of effects of sand contamination on strain modulus of railway ballast. Journal of Geomechanics and Engineering. Vol 14(6), pp. 563-570. (Publisher: Techno Press). DOI: 10.12989/gae.2018.14.6.563.
8-J. Sadeghi, A.R. Tolou Kian and M. Fallah, Experimental investigation of mechanical properties of ballast contaminated with wet-sand materials. International Journal of Geomechanics. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)GM.1943-5622.0001886 (Publisher: ASCE).
9- J. Sadeghi, A.R. Tolou Kian and A. Shater Khabbazi (2016) Improvement of Mechanical Properties of Railway Track Concrete Sleepers Using Steel Fibers. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering Vol 28(11), pp. 04016131. (Publisher: ASCE). DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0001646.
10- A.R. Tolou Kian, J. Sadeghi and J.A. Zakeri (2018) Large-scale direct shear tests on sand-contaminated ballast. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Vol 171(5), pp. 451-461. (Pblisher: ICE). DOI: 10.1680/jgeen.17.00107.
11- J. Sadeghi, J.A. Zakeri and A.R. Tolou Kian (2018) Effect of unsupported sleepers on ballasted railway track dynamic behavior. Journal of Transport Vol 171(5), pp. 286-298. (Pblisher: ICE). DOI: 10.1680/jtran.16.00161.
12- A.R. Tolou Kian and A. Deylami (2018) Rib-reinforced moment connection of steel beam to box column. Journal of Structures and Buildings. Vol 172(6), pp. 407-421. (Pblisher: ICE). DOI: 10.1680/jstbu.17.00125.
13- A. Deylami and A.R. Tolou Kian (2011) Effect of geometry of vertical rib plate on cyclic behavior of steel beam to built-up box column moment connection. Proceedings of The 12th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, Hong Kong, 26-28 January 2011. DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2011.07.379.
14- A. Deylami and A.R. Tolou Kian (2014) Study of cyclic behavior of moment connection of beam to built-up box column with welded flange plates and vertical rib plates. Amirkabir Journal of Science & Research (Civil & Environmental Engineering) (AJSR - CEE) Vol 46(1), pp 39-48 (in Persian). DOI: 10.22060/CEEJ.2014.329.
15- J. Sadeghi, A.R. Tolou Kian, M.A. Zarei (2023) Study of the application of crumb rubber in ballasted railway tracks. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Recent Advances in Railway Engineering (ICRARE 2023), Tehran, Iran, 23-24 May (in Persian).
16- J. Sadeghi, A.R. Tolou Kian, S.S. Purahmadi (2023) Tuned mass damper and dynamic vibration absorber for control and attenuation of railway induced vibrations. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Recent Advances in Railway Engineering (ICRARE 2023), Tehran, Iran, 23-24 May (in Persian).
- Detection and classification of rail corrugations by processing axle box acceleration of in-service train. Student: M. Ramezani, MS Thesis, Supervisor: Dr. Toloukian, Advisor: En. Shadfar, November 2023.
- Optimization of instrumentation of railway steel bridge and development of damage detection method using AI. Student: S. Aliyari, MS Thesis, Supervisor: Dr. J. Sadeghi, Advisor: Dr. Toloukian, May 2024.
- Investigation of effect of dynamic vibration absorber on mitigation of metro-induced vibrations. Student: Y. Purahmadi, MS Thesis, Supervisor: Dr. J. Sadeghi, Advisor: Dr. Toloukian, January 2023.
- Investigation of ballast shear strength influenced with dried sand contamination. Student: Y. Nateghi, MS Thesis, Supervisor: Dr. J. Sadeghi, Advisor: Dr. Toloukian, July 2021.
- Experimental investigation of influence of TDA on dynamic behavior of slab track. Student: Y.n Shafiyun, MS Thesis, Supervisor: Dr. J. Sadeghi, Advisor: Dr. Toloukian, July 2022.
- Experimental investigation of influence of different TDA sizes on ballast cyclic behavior. Student: M.A. Zare, MS Thesis, Supervisor: Dr. J. Sadeghi, Advisor: Dr. Toloukian, March 2023.
- Experimental investigation of influence of different TDA sizes on ballast shear strength. Student: N. Khani, MS Thesis, Supervisor: Dr. J. Sadeghi, Advisor: Dr. Toloukian, September 2023.