1.Ghoseiri, K. and Ghannadpour, S.F., “ Locomotive Routing in Rail Networks using a Hybrid genetic algorithm ”, Journal of Transportation Research, 2008 | 2. M. Ansari, D. Younesian, E. Esmailzadeh, Longitudinal dynamics of freight trains, International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems, 2008, (Accepted-In Press), | 3. D. Younesian, M. H. Kargarnovin, E. Esmailzadeh, Optimal Passive Vibration Control of Timoshenko Beams with Arbitrary Boundary Conditions Traversed by Moving Loads, Journal of Multi-body Dynamics, 2008, Accepted (In Press), | 4. Hosseini Tehrani, P., Asadi, A. “Effects of new materials on crashworthiness of S-Rail’s”, IMEKE, Journal of materials: design and applications, vol. 222, part L.(2008) . | 5. Asadi Lari, A, Brown, M, Rail Vehicle Wheel wear prediction—A Comparison Between Analytical and Experimental Approaches, Vehicle System Dynamics, DOI: 10.1080/00423110701589430, 2008. | 6. A. Ebrahimi, M. 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Hosseini Tehrani, P., Pirmohammad, S. “ Collapse study of thin-walled polygonal section columns subjected to oblique loads ”, IMEKE, Journal of Automobile engineering vol. 221, (2007) 801-810. | 5. D.Younesian, E.Esmailzadeh, R.Sedaghati, Asymptotic solutions and stability analysis for the nonhomogenous Generalized form of Mathieu Equation, (Journal of) Nonlinear sciences and numerical simulations, 2007, Vol. 12, No.1, pp. 58-71, | 6. A. Asadi Lari, D. Younesian, F. Schmid, Tangential force variation due to the bogie direction reversal procedure, (Journal of) Vehicle System Dynamics, 2007, Vol. 45, No. 4, pp. 359-373, | 7. Asadi Lari, A, Kapoor, A, The influence of bogie direction reversal on the wheel wear rate and on the wear patterns of rail vehicles, Wear, DOI: 10.1016/j.wear.2007.08.023, 2007 . | 8. Zakeri J. A and Sadeghi J. “Field Investigation on Load Distribution and Deflections of Railway Track Sleepers" Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 2007, V 21 No. 12, pp. 1948-1956. | 9. Dr. M. R. ADLPARVAR, Dr. H. R. VOSOUGHIFAR , A. MIRMOEINI. " An overview of precast and prestressed techniques used in the construction of Tehran urban railway", 9th International conference of railway engineering, 20-21 June 2007, London, U.K. | 1. Hosseini Tehrani, P., Eslami, M. R. and Azari, Sh. “ Analysis of thermoelastic crack problem using Green and Lindsay theory”, J. of Thermal Stresses, 29, (2006)317-330. | 2. Hosseini Tehrani, P., Nikahd, M. “ Two materials S-frame representation for improving crashworthiness and lightening ”, Journal of thin- walled structures, 44,(2006) 407-414. | 3. Hosseini Tehrani, P., Nikahd, M., “ Effects of ribs on S-frame crashworthiness ”, IMEKE, Journal of Automobile engineering vol. 220, (2006) 1679-1689 . | 4. M.H. Kargarnovin, D.Younesian, D.J.Thompson, C.J.C. Jones, Parametrically excited vibration of a Timoshenko beam on viscoealstic foundation subjected to a harmonic moving load, (Journal of) Nonlinear Dynamics, 2006, Vol. 45, No. 1-2, pp. 75-93, | 5. D.Younesian, E.Esmailzadeh, R.Sedaghati, Passive control of vibration of beams subjected to random excitations with peaked PSD, Journal of Vibration and Control, 2006, Vol.12, No.9, pp. 941-953, | 6. Ghoseiri, K., and Pishdad S., “ Service Quality Measurement in Information Technology Departments ”, journal of Management Knowledge, Autumn 2006, Vol. 19, No. 74. | 7. Ghoseiri, K., and Morshedsolouk F., “ ACS-TS: Train Scheduling Using Ant Colony System ”, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences, Volume 2006, Article ID 95060, 1-28. | | 1. D.Younesian, E.Esmailzadeh, R.Sedaghati, Existence of Periodic Solutions for the generalized form of Mathieu Equation, (Journal of) Nonlinear Dynamics, 2005, Vol.39, pp.335-348, | 2. Hosseini-Tehrani, P., Hosseini-Godarzi, A. R., and, Tavangar, M., “ Importance of inertia term in dynamic crack problems considering Lord-Shulman theory of thermoelasticity ”, J. of Thermal Stresses, 28, (2005)267-283. | 3. Hosseini Tehrani, P., Eslami, M.R., “ Effective stress and temperature distribution at laser interface excited by pulsed laser heating”, IMECKE, J. of strain analysis, Vol. 40 No.5 (2005) 395- 402. | 4. Hosseini-Tehrani, P. , Hosseini-Godarzi, A. R., and, Tavangar, M., “ Importance of inertia term in dynamic crack problems considering coupled theory of thermoelasticity ”, J. of Eng. Analy. With Boundary Elements 29, (2005) 232-240. | 5. M.H. Kargarnovin, B. Mehri, D.Younesian, Response of a Suspended Cable to Narrow-band Random Excitation with Peaked P.S.D., (Journal of) Mathematical and Computer Modeling, 2005, Vol.41, No.11, pp1203-1212, | 6. M.H. Kargarnovin, D.Younesian, D.J.Thompson, C.J.C. Jones, Ride Comfort of High-Speed Trains Travelling over Railway Bridges, (Journal of) Vehicle System Dynamics, 2005, Vol.43, No.3, pp.173-197, | 7. M.H. Kargarnovin, D.Younesian, D.J.Thompson, C.J.C. Jones, Response of beams on nonlinear viscoelastic foundations to harmonic moving loads, (Journal of) Computers & Structures, 2005, Vol.83, pp.1865-1877, | 8. Ghoseiri, K., and Morshedsolouk F., “ An Ant Colony System Heuristic for Train Scheduling Problem ”, Journal of Transportation Research, 2005, 257-270. | 9. Ataei, A.A. Aghakouchak, M.S. Marefat and S. Mohammadzadeh, Sensor fusion of a railway bridge load test using neural networks, Expert Systems with Applications, 2005, Volume 29, Issue 3, Pages 678-683, | 10. Sh. Ataei, A. Aghakouchak, M.S. Marefat, S. Mohammadzadeh, Fusion of the Neka Bridge with Neural Network, International Conference on Experimental Vibration Analysis For Civil Engineering Structures (EVACES 2005), 2005, Bordeaux, France, | 1. Hosseini Tehrani, P., Hosseini Godarzi, A.R. “ Dynamic crack analysis under thermal shock considering Lord-shulman theory”, Int. J. of thermal sciences, 43 , (2004) 1003-1010. | 2. M.H. Kargarnovin, D.Younesian, Dynamics of Timoshenko Beams on Pasternak Foundation, (Journal of) Mechanics Research Communication, 2004, Vol.31, No.6, pp.713-723, | 3. Ahadi, Hamid. R. (2004), “A Comparative Study of the Application of Electronic Data Interchange and Internet Technology to Business Process Reengineering”, Journal of Tsinghua Science and Technology, Vol. 9, No. 4 , pp 489-496. | 4. Ghoseiri, K., Szidarovszky, F., and Asgharpour, M.J., “ A Multi-Objective Train Scheduling: Model and Solution ”, Transportation Science, Part B, Vol. 38 (2004) 927-952. | 5. M.S. Marefat, Sh. Ataei, S. Ghahremani, Load test of a plain concrete arch railway bridge of 20-m span, Construction and Building Materials, 2004, 18(9), pp. 661-667, | 1. Hosseini Tehrani, P., Eslami, M.R., “Boundary element analysis of finite domains under thermal and mechanical shock with the Lord-Shulman theory”, IMECKE, J. of strain analysis. 38, No.1, (2003) 53-64. | 2. Hosseini Tehrani, P., Moghaddam Jahangiri, F., “Three dimensional principal solution for generalized thermo elasticity by boundary element method”, J. of Mechanical engineering. 4, No.1, (2003) 50-59. | 3. osseini Tehrani, P., Eslami, M.R., and ., Shojaee-fard M.H. “ Thermoelastic waves in layer interface induced by pulsed laser heating considering LS model”, J. of Eng. Analy. With Boundary Elements. 27 (2003 ) 863-896. | 4. Ghoseiri, K., Szidarovszky, F., and Asgharpour, M. J., “ A Two-Person Conflict Model in Train Scheduling ”, International Game Theory Review, Vol. 5, No. 2 (2003) 105-125. | 5. 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