School of Railway Engineering- thesis
Railway Transportation Engineering

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  Railway Transportation Engineering



  Student Name



Representation A Model for Performance Evaluation of Supply Chain Systems: ACase Study of Iran Railway Industry2012 Abstract
Applying Data Envelopment Analysis to Evauate and Rank the Efficiency of Railway Regions in IranZahra Saghian2012 Abstract
Prioritization of New Railway projects Using Analytic Network ProcessM. Aghabagheri2012 Abstract
Asian Railways Efficiency Evaluation with Data Envelopment AnalysisAli Noroozzade2012 Abstract
Economic and Technical Enaluation of the Frame SleeperA. Shaghaghi2012 Abstract
A Combinatorial Algorithm Based on Branch and Bound Algorithm for Solving the CMND ProblemM. Rahbar





  Developing Outsourcing Model For Railway-Fleet Maintenance Activities in Islamic Repubilic of Iran Railways

  M. Bolboli



   2Tuning of Metaheuistic Parameters Using Design of Experiments  M.Fallahi  2011  Abstract
   3 Deter mination of Location of Railway Rolling Stock Industrial Estate by Applying Fuzzy Preferences and Group Multi Criteria Decision Making  F.Ghazanfarirad2011  Abstract
   4 Soluotion Method for the Set Covering Problem and Application in Location, Case Study Railway  B. Kamalpour  2011  Abstract
   5Optimum Neural Network Design for Pradiction Problem with Hybrid Algorithms: A Case Study in Iran Railway  M.M. Khoshraftar  2011  Abstract
   6 A Proposed HbridAlgorithm for Solving Capacitated Multi- Commodity Network Design Problem  M. Momeni  2011  Abstract
   7  Integer Programming Based Model for Calculation and Evaluation of Railway Network Capacity  N. Nikoo  2011  Abstract
   8  Presenting Neuro- Fuzzy Model to Predict Passenger Train Delay as a Case Stady  M.S. Sanai  2011  Abstract
   9  A Fuzzy Method for Solving Railroad Blocking Problem  S.M. Seyedabadi  2011  Abstract

  Presentation of new Heuristic Solution Method

  For Location-Allocation Problem





  Applying Multi Criteria Decision Making for Best contractor selection in Rail way/Civil Projects





  Passenger Train Delays Clustering Using Metaheuristic Methods

Gereyli Nia. N  2011  Abstract

  Passengers’ lines planning in railway





  Solving Multicommodity Capacitated Network Design Problems Using Metaheurisitic Algorithms, Case study in railway

  M. Rahim Akhavan Kazemzadeh







  Tuning of Metaheuristic Parameters by Using Design of Experiments

  M Fallahi

  2011  Abstract
   16  RailFleet Sizing Problem Optimization  Z. Khandaghabadi  2011 Abstract
   17  Solving Location- Allocation Problem Using Hybrid Methods  J. Lessan  2011 Abstract
   18  Proposing Neural Network Model For Predicting Railway Passenger Transportation Demand in IRAN Railways  N. Sakhaee  2011 Abstract
   19The Measure and Ranking of Productivity Criteria in Iranian Railway by Fuzzy Analtical Hierarchy Process  S. Sarrami 2011  Abstract
   20 A new Hybrid approach to solve crew cheduling problem: Column generation and ant colony optimization Fathipor  2010 


   21Train Rescheduling By Simulated AnnealingS. Shiri 2008  Abstract

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