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:: مقالات ISI ::

...  &  2013   2012   2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005


1-M. Torabi,S.M.MousaviG., D.Younesian;A new methodology in fast and accurate matching of the 2D and 3D point clouds extracted by laser scanner systems, Optics & Laser Technology, 66(2015)28–34

2-Sayed Mohammad Mousavi Gazafrudi, Adel Tabakhpour Langerudy, Ewald F. Fuchs, Fellow,and Kamal Al-Haddad, Fellow, Power Quality Issues in Railway Electrification: A Comprehensive Perspective, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOL. 62, NO. 5, MAY 2015

3-Bijan Moavenia, Mahdi Khosravi Roqaye Abadb & Sayyad Nasiric; Vehicle longitudinal velocity estimation during the braking process using unknown input Kalman filter; Vehicle System Dynamics, 2015 Vol. 53, No. 10, 1373–1392,

4-Hamid Hassanabadi, Bijan Moaveni and Mohammad Karimi; Acomprehensive distributed architecture for railway traffic control using multi-agent systems; Proc IMechE Part F: J Rail and Rapid Transit 2015, Vol. 229(2) 109–124 ! IMechE 2013 Reprints and permissions: sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav DOI: 10.1177/0954409713503458 pif.sagepub.com

5- Rafik Salloumab, Bijan Moavenib & Mohammad Reza Arvana; Robust H∞ feedback compensator design for an electromechanical actuator with time delay; Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 2015 Vol. 38, No. 6, 751–759, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02533839.2015.1027741

6- Rafik Sallouma, Mohammad Reza Arvana & Bijan Moavenib; System identification and uncertainty modeling of an electromechanical actuator; Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 2015

7-Bijan MOAVENI , Mojtaba KHORSHIDI; Robust speed controller design for induction motors based on IFOC and Kharitonov theorem; Turk J Elec Eng & Comp Sci (2015) 23: 1173 { 1186   cUB_ITAK,doi:10.3906/elk-1306-22

8-Bijan Moaveni and Pegah Barkhordari; Identification and characterization of the hydraulic unit in an anti-lock brake

System; Date received: 4 May 2015; accepted: 16 September 2015

9- M. R. Talaee  V. Sarafrazi S. Bakhshandeh; EXACT ANALYTICAL HYPERBOLIC TEMPERATURE PROFILE IN A THREE-DIMENSIONAL MEDIA UNDER PULSE SURFACE HEAT FLUX; Journal of Mechanics / FirstView Article / January 2016, pp 1 – 9  DOI: 10.1017/jmech.2015.97, Published online: 29 December 2015

10.J.Zakeri, M.Esmaeili, Hamidreza Heydari Noghabi, "A field investigation into the effect of under sleeper pads on the reduction of railway-induced ground-borne vibrations" , Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F, Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, ۰(۰) ۱-۷ IMechE ۲۰۱۵.

11.Morteza Esmaeili, Nazanin Rezaei, "In situ impact testing of a light-rail ballasted track with tyre-derived aggregate subballast layer" , International Journal of Pavement Engineering, DOI: ۱۰.۱۰۸۰/۱۰۲۹۸۴۳۶.۲۰۱۵.۱۰۰۷۲۲۶, ۲۰۱۵.

12.Meysam Naeimi, Jabbar Ali Zakeri, Morteza Esmaeili, Morad Shadfar, "۳D dynamic model of the railway wagon to obtain the wheel-rail forces under track irregularities" , Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K, Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, ۰(۰) ۱-۱۳ IMechE ۲۰۱۵. (Cited by ۲)

13.Morteza Esmaeili, Behnam Arbabi, "Railway embankments stabilization by tied back-to-back system" , Elsevier Journal of Computers and Geotechnics ۶۷ (۲۰۱۵) ۱۱۰-۱۲۰.

14.Meysam Naeimi, Jabbar Ali Zakeri, Morteza Esmaeili, Mohammad Mehrali, "Dynamic response of sleepers in a track with uneven rail irregularities using a ۳D vehicle-track model with sleeper beams", Archive of Applied Mechanics (Springer), ISSN ۰۹۳۹-۱۵۳۳, DOI: ۱۰.۱۰۰۷/s۰۰۴۱۹-۰۱۵-۱۰۱۲-۹, ۲۰۱۵. (Cited by ۱)

15.Akbar Salemi, Morteza Esmaeili, Farhang Sereshki, “Normal and Shear Resistance of Longitudinal contact Surfaces of Segmental Tunnel Linings" , Elsevier International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences (IJRMMS) ۷۷ (۲۰۱۵) ۳۲۸-۳۳۸. (Cited by ۲)

16.Akbar Salemi, Farhang Sereshki, Morteza Esmaeili, “Investigating the mechanical performance of contact point in bolted segments by laboratory tests" , European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, DOI: ۱۰.۱۰۸۰/۱۹۶۴۸۱۸۹.۲۰۱۵.۱۱۱۰۰۵۳, ۲۰۱۵.

17.Naeimi, M., Zakeri, J.A., Esmaeili, M. And Shadfar, M. (2015) “3D dynamic model of railway wagon to obtain wheel-rail forces under track irregularities” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of Multi-body Dynamics (under press).

18. Zakeri, J. A., Esmaeili M. and Heidari H. R. (2015) "Field Investigation on Effect of Under Sleeper Pads in Reduction of Railway Ground Vibrations" Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit (under press).

19. Zakeri, J. A., Esmaeili M.,Bakhtiari, A. and Kasraei A. (2015) "Numerically Investigating Lateral Resistance of Frictional Sleeper in Ballasted Railway Tracks" Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit (under press).

  1. Zakeri, J. A. and Fattahi M. (2015) "Influence of Unsupported and Partially Supported Sleepers on Dynamic Responses of Train – track Interaction" Journal of Mechanical Science & Technology (under press).
  1. Zakeri, J. A., Esmaeili M., Sayyadi, O. and Mosayebi A. (2015) Experimental Investigation on Railway Concrete Sleeper Produced with Blast Furnace Slag " Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit (under press).
  1. Esmaeili M., Zakeri J. A., Kaveh A., Khayat (2015) "Granular Layers Design for Railway Tracks using Ray Optimization Algorithm" Scientia Iranica, V22, No. 1, pp. 47 ~ 58 .
  1. Zakeri J. A. and Barati M. (2015) “Utilizing the Track Panel Displacement Method for Estimating Vertical Load Effects on the Lateral Resistance of Continuously Welded Railway Track”. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit , Volume 229 Issue 3 March 2015 pp. 262 - 267 .
  1. Naeimi, M., Zakeri, J.A., Esmaeili, M. And Shadfar, M. (2015) “Influence of uneven rail irregularities on the dynamic response of railway track using a three dimensional model of the vehicle-track system” Vehicle System Dynamics Vol 53, Issue 1. Pp. 88-111 .
  2. Hosseini Tehrani, P., Ferestadeh, I.Studying energy absorption in tapered thick walled tubes
    (2015) Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures, 12 (1), pp. 173-204.

  3. Mohammadi, A.R.G., Tehrani, P.H.Effect of surface elasticity on scattering of elastic P-waves from a nanofiber including an inhomogeneous interphase,(2015) Composite Interfaces, 22 (2), pp. 95-125.

  4. Masoud Yaghini, Mohsen Momeni, Mohammadreza Sarmadi, Masoud Seyedabadi, A fuzzy railroad blocking model with genetic algorithm solution approach for Iranian Railways,Appl. Math. ModellingAccepted Date: 21 January 2015;

  5. Sattar Ezzatia, Akbar Najafia,b,∗, Masoud Yaghinib, Amir Ala Hashemib, Pete Bettingerc; An optimization model to solve skidding problem in steep slope terrain Journal of Forest Economics 21 (2015) 250–268

  6. Masoud Yaghini∗, Mohsen Momeni, Mohammadreza SarmadiDepartment; A hybrid solution method for fuzzy train formation planningMasoud , Applied Soft Computing; 2015Available online 5 March 2015:


1. Haidari, A., Hosseini-Tehrani, P.Fatigue analysis of railway wheels under combined thermal and mechanical loads,(2014) Journal of Thermal Stresses, 37 (1), pp. 34-50.

2. Haidari, A., Tehrani, P.H.Thermal load effects on fatigue life of a cracked railway wheel,(2014) Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures, 12 (6), pp. 1144-1157.

1-S.M. MousaviG. n, M.Nikdel, Various battery models for various simulation studies and applications, RenewableandSustainableEnergyReviews32(2014)477–485

2- Seyed Saeed Fazel*1, Saman Firouzian2, Babak Khalkhali Shandiz3; Energy-Efficient Emplacement of Reversible DC Traction Power Substations in Urban Rail Transport through Regenerative Energy Recovery; International Journal of Railway Research, (2014), Vol.1, No2, pp 11-22

3- Mojtaba Khorshidi1*,Seyed Saeed Fazel 2, Bijan Moaveni3; Speed Observer Design for Linear Induction Motor Drives; 21Advances in Railway Engineering, An International Journal Vol.2/ No.1/ Spring 2014

4-Seyed Saeed Fazel*1 ,Mojtaba Khorshidi2, Mehdi Niakinezhad3; Investigation of SLIM Dynamic Models Based on Vector Control for Railway Applications; 85 Advances in Railway Engineering, An International Journal,Vol.2/ No.1/ Spring 2014

5-Rafik Salloum1, Bijan Moaveni2 and Mohammad Reza Arvan1; Identification and robust controller design for an electromechanical actuator with time delay; Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control 1–9 _ The Author(s) 2014

6-  Rafik Salloum;  Bijan Moaveni;  Mohammad Reza Arvan; Robust PID Controller Design for a Real Electromechanical Actuator; Acta Polytechnica Hungarica Vol. 11, No. 5, 2014

7. Morteza Esmaeili , Morteza Gharouni Nik, Farid Khayer " Efficiency of Micro Piles in Reinforcing Embankments ",Proceeding of the ICE Ground Improvement, Vol. ۱۶۷, Issue G۱۲, Pages ۱۲۲-۱۳۴, May ۲۰۱۴. (Abstract)

8. Morteza Esmaeili; Jabbar Ali Zakeri, Seyed Ali Mosayebi,” Investigating the Optimized Open V-shaped Trench Performance in Reduction of Train Induced Ground Vibrations” , ASCE Journal of Geomechanic, Vol. ۱۴, No. ۳, June ۲۰۱۴. (Abstract) (Cited by ۱)

9. Mohammad Mehrali, Saeed Mohammadzadeh, Morteza Esmaeili, Mehrdad Noori, “Investigating on Vehicle-Slab Track Interaction Considering Random track bed Stiffness”, Sharif Scientia Iranica , Part A, Vol. ۲۱, No. ۱, Pages ۸۲-۹۰, ۲۰۱۴.

10 .A.A. Ramezanianpour,S.A. Ghahari, M. Esmaeili , , M.H. “Effect of combined carbonation and chloride ion ingress by an accelerated test method on microscopic and mechanical properties of concrete”, Materials, Volume ۵۸, ۱۵ May ۲۰۱۴, Pages ۱۳۸۱۴۶. (Cited by ۷)

11.J.Zakeri, M.Esmaeili, S.A. Mosayebi, O.Sayyadi, “Experimental Investigation of Railway Concrete Sleeper Produced by Blast Furnace Slag”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers,Part F, Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, DOI:۰۹۵۴۴۰۹۷۱۴۵۲۷۹۲۸, first published on April ۳, ۲۰۱۴.

12.M.Esmaeili, M. gharouni Nik, H. khajehee, “Evaluation Deep Soil Mixing Efficiency in Stabilizing Loose Sandy Soils Using Laboratory Tests”, Geotechnical Testing Journal, Volume ۳۷, Issue ۵, September ۲۰۱۴.

13.M. Esmaeili, J.A. Zakeri, A. Kaveh, A. Bakhtiary, M. Khayat Azad, "Designing Granular Layers for Railway Tracks Using Ray Optimization Algorithm" , Scientia Iranica A, Volume ۲۲, No. ۱, Pages ۴۷-۵۸.

14.J.Zakeri, M.Esmaeili, A. Kasraee, A. Bakhtyari, "A Numerical Investigation on Lateral Resistance of Frictional Sleepers in Ballasted Railway Tracks" , Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F, Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, ۰(۰) ۱-۱۰ IMechE ۲۰۱۴.

15.Meysam Naeimi, Jabbar Ali Zakeri, Morteza Esmaeili, Morad Shadfar, "Influence of uneven rail irregularities on the dynamic response of the railway track using a three-dimensional model of the vehicle-track system" , Vehicle System Dynamics: International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics and Mobility, ۵۳:۱, ۸۸-۱۱۱, ۲۰۱۴. (Cited by ۲)

16. Esmaeili morteza, Zakeri J. A., Mosayebi A.(2014) " Investigating the Optimized V-shape Trench Performance in Reduction of Train-Induced Ground Vibrations " ASCE- International Journal of Geomechanics , Vol.(14), Issue 3.

17. Esmaeili morteza, Zakeri J. A., Mosayebi A.(2014) " Effect of Sand-Fouled Ballast on Train-Induced Vibration " International Journal pavement engineering, Vol. 15, Issue 7, pp. 635-644 .

18. Zakeri, J. A. and Bakhtiyari, A (2014) "Comparing lateral resistance to different types of sleeper in ballasted railway tracks" Scientia Iranica, V21, No. 1, pp. 101~107.

19. Zakeri J. A. , Esmaeili morteza , Mosayebi A.(2014) " Numerical Investigation of Step-shaped Trench Performance in Reducing Train-induced Vibrations" Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit Volume 228 Issue 3 March 2014 pp. 298 - 306.

20. Zakeri J. A. and Shadfar M. FeiziM. (2014) Sensitivity analysis of bridge-track-train system to parameters of railway” Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures, V11 (4), pp 598-612.

21- Shakeri R, Younesian D., Analytical Solution for the Sound Radiation Field of a Viscoelastically Supported Beam Traversed by a Moving Load, Shock and Vibration, Article ID 530131, 2014.

22- Askari, H., Saadatnia, Z., Younesian, D., Nonlinear Oscillation Analysis of the Elevator Cable in a Drum Drive Elevator System, Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 7, 43-57, 2014.

23.  Nahidi A, Younesian D., Novel Control Strategies for Roll/Pitch Stabilization of Tanker Trains, Rail and Rapid Transit, Accepted, In Press, 2014.

 24.  Sadri M, Younesian D., Performance Analysis of Multiple Active-Passive Trenches in Train-induced Vibration Mitigation, Low Frequency Vibration and Active Noise Control, 33 (1), 12-21, 2014.

25. Askari, H., , Esmailzadeh E., Younesian, D. Analytical Solutions for Large Amplitude Free Vibrations of Stiffened Triangular Plates, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 333 (22), 5817-5835, 2014.

26. Rostam, M. , Younesian, D., Esmailzadeh E., Asymptotic Solutions and Stability Analysis of Two-dimensional asymmetric Mathieu Equation, Nonlinear Dynamics, Springer, Accepted, In Press, 2014.

27. Sadri, M. , Younesian, D., Esmailzadeh E., Primary and secondary resonance analyses of clamped-clamped micro-beams , Nonlinear Dynamics, 76 (4), 1867-1884, 2014 .

28. Mohammadi, M., Rezvani, M.A., "Optimisation of the railway vehicle suspension system: an application of the genetic algorithms and the Pareto front method", Int. J. of Heavy Vehicle Systems, Vol.21, No. (4) (2014), pp.328-350.

29. Salimi, E., Rezvani, M.A., Shahsavari, E., "Crashworthiness improvement of Pardis trainset using thin walled tubes - simulation", Int. J. of Vehicle Sys. and Struc., Vol. 5, No. (3) (2014), 80-83.

30. Rezvani, M.A., Mohebbi, M., "Numerical Calculations of aerodynamic performance for ATM train at crosswind conditions", Wind and Structures, Vol. 18, No. (5) (2014), 529-548.

31. H Mozafari, H Molatefi, V Crupi, G Epasto, E Guglielmino ,In plane compressive response and crushing of foam filled aluminum honeycombs,Journal of Composite Materials, 2014 0021998314561069


33. H Molatefi, S Najafian, H Mozafari,Australian ,Fracture mechanics of planetary gear set by using extended finite element method-linear elastic fracture mechanics approach,Journal of Mechanical Engineering 2014 13 (2), 87-96

34. H Mozafari, S Khatami, H Molatefi ,Out of plane crushing and local stiffness determination of proposed foam filled sandwich panel for Korean Tilting Train eXpress–Numerical study,,Materials & Design 2014 66, 400-411

35. M. Fathian*,1 , A.R. Jafarian-Moghaddam2 , M. Yaghini 3;  Improving Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network Stability Using Meta-Heuristic Algorithms; International Journal of Automotive Engineering, Vol. 4, Number 4, Dec 2014

36. Masoud Yaghini, Mohammad Karimi, Mohadeseh Rahbar, Mohammad Hassan Sharifitabar; A Cutting-Plane Neighborhood Structure for Fixed-Charge, INFORMS Journal on Computing; on 26 September 2014


1. M.Esmaeili, M.Feshraki," Vehicle Dynamic Interaction with Railway Track Embankment", Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers journal Transport ,(2011, Accepted under Press). (Abstract)

2. M. Esmaeili and A. Fatollahzadeh ," Effect of Train Live Load on Railway Bridge Abutments", ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, ,(2012, Accepted under Press). (Abstract)

3. MortezaEsmaeili, SaeedAmiri,KazemJadidi," An Investigation into the Behavior of Asphalt Underlays in Railway Track",Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers,Part F, Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit,(2012, Accepted under Press). (Abstract)

4. Jabbar Ali Zakeri, MortezaEsmaeili, Syed Ali mosayebi, "The Numerical Investigation on Step Shaped Trenches Performance in Reducing the Train-induced,Vibrations”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F, Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit,(2012, Accepted under Press). (Abstract)

5. MortezaEsmaeili ,MortezaGharouniNik, "Experimental and Numerical Study of Micropiles to Reinforce the High Railway Embankments", ASCE Journal of Geomechanic, ,(2012, Accepted under Press). (Abstract)



2. Molatefi. H, Mohammadzade. S, A Novel Method to Estimate Derailment Probability Due to Track Geometric Irregularities Using Reliability Techniques and Advanced Simulation Methods, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2012

3. Farshad. S, A Novel Method for Estimation of Train Speed and Location Using Traction Motor Voltage and Current, Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 2012

4. Zakeri.J.A, Evaluation of Humped Slab Track Performance in Desert Railways, Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 2012,

5. Zakeri.J.A, Investigation on Railway Track Maintenance in Sandy-Dry Areas, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 2012

6. Rezvani.M.A, Application of Fuzzy Fault Tree Analysis for Evaluation of Railway Safety risks : An Evaluation of Root causes for Passenger Train Derailment , Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F, Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit,2012,

7. Rezvani.M.A, Development of Technical and Economical Models for Widespread Application of Magnetic Levitation System in Public Transport, Nternational Journal of Civil Engineering,2012,

8. Nasr Azadani. M, Investigation of Water Absorption in Recycled Aggregates for Application in Subbase Layer of Highway, Geotecnical Special Publication No. 218 ASCE, 2011 ,

9. Garoninik. M, Application of the Strain Energy to Estimate the Rock Load in Non-Squeezing Ground Condition, Archives of Mining Sciences,2012

10. Garoninik. M, Application of the Strain Energy to Estimate the Rock Load in Squeezing Ground Condition of Emamzadeh Hashem Tunnel in Iran, Arabian Journal of Geo-Sciences, 2012,

11. Yaghini. M, Solving Railroad Blocking Problem Using Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm , Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2012

12. Yaghini. M, GOFAM: A Hybrid neural Network Classifier Combining Fuzzy ARTMAP and Genetic Algorithm, Tificial Intelligence Review, 2012

13. Yaghini. M, Railway Passenger Train Delay Prediction Via Neural Network Model, Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2012

14. Yaghini. M, A Hybrid Algorithm for Artificial Neural Network Training, ngineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2012

15. Yaghini. M, Solving Train Formation Problem Using Simulated Annealing Algorithm in a Simplex Framework, ournal of Advanced Transportation, 2012

16. Sandid Zadeh M.A, A Novel Method for Estimation of Train Speed and Location Using Traction Motor Voltage and Current, International Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit Part F, 2012

17. Sadeghi.S.J, Application of Neural Networks in Evaluation of Railway Track Quality Condition, Ournal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2012,

18. Sadeghi.S.J, Development of Track Condition Assessment Model Based on Visual Inspection, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering: Maintenance, Management, Life-Cycle Design and Performance, 2012

19. Sadeghi.S.J, Ality Condition Assessment and Determination of Effective Maintenance , International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 2012

20. Bagheri.M, Effective Placement of Dangerous Goods Cars in Rail Yard Marshaling Operation, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 2012

21. Bagheri.M, Reducing the Threat of in-Transit Derailments Involving Dangerous Goods Through Effective Placement Along the Train Consist, ent Analysis and Prevention, 2012

22. Esmaeili, M., Yousefi Mojir, P., Substructure Nonlinear Effects on Sleeper Design Pressure in Heavy Haul Railway Tracks, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2012,

23. Esmaeili. M, Evaluation of Humped Slab Track Performance in Desert Railways, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part F, Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 2012

24. Younesian. D, Approximate Periodic Solutions for the Helmholtz–Duffing Equation, Computers and Mathematics with Applications,2012


26. Younesian. D, Analytical Solution for Nonlinear Wave Propagation in Shallow Media Using the Variational Iteration Method, Waves in Random and Complex Media, 2012,

27. Younesian. D, Analytical Approximate Solutions for the Generalized Nonlinear Oscillator, Applicable Analysis, 2012



1. D. Younesian, E. Esmailzadeh, Vibration suppression of rotating beams using time-varying internal tensile force , Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2011 , (Abstract pdf)

2.M. Ansari, E. Esmailzadeh, D. Younesian, Frequency Analysis of finite beams on nonlinear Kelvin-Voight foundation under moving loads, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 330, pp. 1455-1471 2011. (Abstract)

3. D. Younesian, E.Esmailzadeh, Vibration suppression of rotating beams using time-varying internal tensile force, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 330,pp.308-320 2011. (Abstract)

4.Jafarian, E. & Rezvani, M.A., "Application of fuzzy fault tree analysis for evaluation of railway safety risks: An evaluation of root causes for passenger train derailment ", Accepted for Publication by The Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F, Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, Feb. 2011. (Abstract)

5.Yaghoubi, H. and Rezvani, M.A., “Development of maglev guideway loading model”, Journal of Transportation Engineering (ASCE), 137, March 2011, pp. 201-213. (Abstract)

6.P. Hosseini-Tehrani ∗ and V. Bayat ," Study on crashworthiness of wagon’s frame under frontal impact " , International Journal of Crashworthiness , Vol. 16, No. 1, February 2011, 25–39 (Abstract)

7.M.Esmaeili, P. Yousefi Mojir," Substructure Nonlinear Effects on Sleeper Design Pressure in Heavy Haul Railway Tracks ", ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering,( 2011).

8. J.A.Zakeri,M.Esmaeili,M.Fathali, " Evaluation of Humped Slab Track Performance in Desert Railways", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F, Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit ,(2011)

9.Zakeri J. A. " Investigation on Railway Track Maintenance in sandy-dry Areas" Journal of structure and infrastructure engineering Maintenance, Management, Life-Cycle Design and Performance (2011). (Abstract)

10. bbar Ali Zakeri, Morteza Esmaeili, Masoud Fathali  "Evaluation of Humped Slab Track Performance in Desert Railways" Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit , Volume 225 Issue 6 November, pp. 567 - 574 (2011) (Abstract)

11.Jabbar Ali Zakeri, Morteza Esmaeili, Masoud Fathali (2011) "Evaluation of Humped Slab Track Performance in Desert Railways" Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit , Volume 225 Issue 6 November, pp. 567 - 574. (Abstract)

12.Zakeri J. A. and Ghorbani V. (2011)" Investigation on Dynamic Behavior of Railway Track in Transition Zone " Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology V 25 No. 2, pp. 287-292. (Abstract) 



1. Ahmad Mirabadi, Ali Khodadadi, "Assessment of Particle Filter and Kalman Filter for estimating velocity Using Odometery System, journal of Sensor Review, 2010 (Abstract pdf)

2. Ahma d Mirabad i and Shabna m Sharifia n , Application of association rules in Iranian Railways (RAI) accident data analysis, Safety Science , Volume 48, Issue 10 , December 2010, Pages 1427-1435 , (Abstract pdf)

3.M. Ansari, E. Esmailzadeh, D. Younesian, "Longitudinal dynamics of freight trains, International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems, 2010 (Abstract pdf)

4. D. Younesian, A. Solhmirzaei , A. Gachloo," , Fatigue life estimation of MD36 and MD523 bogies based on damage accumulation and random fatigue theory" Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 23, 2010 (Abstract pdf)

5. D. Younesian,M Abedi, I. hazrati Ashtiani, "Dynamic Analysis of a Partially Filled Tanker Train Traveling on a Curved Track", International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems, Vol.17 No.2, 2010 (Abstract pdf)

6. M. Ansari, E. Esmailzad, D. Younesian, "Internal-external resonance of beams on nonlinear viscoelastic foundation traversed by moving load" Nonlinear Dynamics, , DOI: 10.1007/s11071-009-9639-0, 2010 (Abstract pdf)

7 Sadeghi, J, Akbari, B, "Development of an improved track geometry indices, Transportation Transaction" Journal of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 2010. (Abstract pdf)

8. H. Shahnazari1, M. Esmaeili2 and H. Hosseini Ranjbar 3, Simulating the Effects of Projectile Explosion on a Jointed Rock Mass Using 2D DEM: A Case Study of Ardebil-Mianeh Railway Tunnel, International Journal of Civil Engineering. Vol.8, No. 2, June 2010, (Abstract pdf)

9. Hamid Yaghoubi1 and M.A. Rezvani2 DEVELOPMENT OF MAGLEV GUIDEWAY LOADING MODEL, Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2010. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)TE.1943-5436.0000211 (Abstract pdf)

10. Authors: Saeed Mohammadzadeha; Soodabeh Ghahremania , Estimation of train derailment probability using rail profile alterations, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering ,2010 (Abstract pdf)

11. Ataei S (Ataei, Shervan)1, Mohammadzade S (Mohammadzade, Saeid)1, Modal shape identification of the vibration data of bridge dynamic test using fuzzy clustering, : EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS , Volume : 37, Issue : 8 , Pages : 5813-5817 , Published : AUG 2010 , (Abstract pdf)

12. Zakeri J. A.Xia H."Investigation on Railway Track Maintenance in sandy-dry Areas"Journal of Structure and infrastructure engineering,2010 (Abstract)

13. D.Younesian, H. Askari, Z SaadatNia, M. KalamiYazdi, Periodic solutions for the generalized nonlinear oscillators containing fraction order elastic force, Journal of Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations, Vol.11, No.12, pp.1027-1032, 2010. (Abstract)

14. Kalantar, M. , Mousavi G., S.M. , Posicast control within feedback structure for a DC-DC single ended primary inductor converter in renewable energy applications , 2010, Applied Energy , pp. 3110-3114. (Abstract)

15. Kalantar, M. , Mousavi G., S.M. , Optimal sizing, economic analysis and dynamic behaviour of an isolated integrated wind turbine, microturbine, and battery storage , 2009, International Review of Electrical Engineering 4 (6), pp. 1231-1242. (Abstract)



1. د.یونسیان، Dynamic analysis of a partially-filled tracktanker train traveling on a curved, Accepted-In Press, International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems, 2009

.د.یونسیان، Fatigue life estimation of MD36 and MD523 bogies based on damage accumulation and random fatigue theory, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2009

3.د.یونسیان، Longitudinal dynamics of freight trains, International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems, 2009

4. ج.ع.ذاکری، Variation of dynamic wheel-rail forces in high speed trains", CD- Proceedings of international Symposium on Environmental vibrations: prediction, Monitoring, Mitigating, and valuation, Beijing , 2009

6. ج.ع.ذاکری، ع. صادقی، Results evaluation of safety improvement plan in Iranian railway level crossings", 1st National Conference on road and railway accidents, Zandjan,2009

7 ج.ع.ذاکری، Xia H . , Dong Y.S, Design and Manufacturing an Intelligent System for Ballast Compaction Estimation" CD- Proceedings of 11th International conference on Railway Engineering, London



1.ک.قصیری و سیدف. قنادپور Locomotive Routing in Rail Networks using a Hybrid genetic algorithm ”, "Journal of Transportation Research, 2008

2. م.انصاری، د.یونسیان، ا.اسماعیلزاده، Longitudinal dynamics of freight trains, International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems, 2008, (Accepted-In Press),

3.د.یونسیان، م.ه.کارگرنوین،ا.اسماعیلزاده Optimal Passive Vibration Control of Timoshenko Beams with Arbitrary Boundary Conditions Traversed by Moving Loads, Journal of Multi-body Dynamics, 2008, Accepted (In Press),

4.پ.حسینی تهرانی، ع.اسدی “Effects of new materials on crashworthiness of S-Rail’s”, IMEKE, Journal of materials: design and applications, vol. 222, part L.(2008) .

5.ع.اسدی لاری، م.براون Rail Vehicle Wheel wear prediction—A Comparison Between Analytical and Experimental Approaches, Vehicle System Dynamics, DOI: 10.1080/00423110701589430, 2008.

6. ج.ع.ذاکری، Xia He “ Dynamic Responses of Train –Track system to Single Irregularity ” Submitted to computers & structures (under review) 2008.

7. ج.ع.ذاکری، Xia He "Application of 2D-infinite beam elements in dynamic analysis of railway track" Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 2008

8. ج.ع.ذاکری، Xia He "Determination of "V" shaped permissible rail defect based on WLR ratio" Iranian Journal of Science and Technology,2008

9. ج.ع.ذاکری، Xia He “Sensitivity Analysis of Track Parameters on Train- Track Dynamic Interaction" Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology V 22 No. 7, pp. 1299-1304. 2008



1. ک.قصیری، ف. جلیلوند، “ Estimating Marginal Costs for the Infrastructure of Iranian Railway Network Using an Econometric Approach ”, Journal of Transportation Research, Vol. 4, No.2, 2007.

2. پ.حسینی تهرانی، س. پیرمحمد، “ Collapse study of thin-walled polygonal section columns subjected to oblique loads ”, IMEKE, Journal of Automobile engineering vol. 221, (2007) 801-810. 

3.د.یونسیان، ا.اسماعیلزاده، ر.صداقتی، Asymptotic solutions and stability analysis for the nonhomogenous Generalized form of Mathieu Equation, (Journal of) Nonlinear sciences and numerical simulations, 2007, Vol. 12, No.1, pp. 58-71,

4.ع.اسدی لاری، د.یونسیان، F. Schmid Tangential force variation due to the bogie direction reversal procedure, (Journal of) Vehicle System Dynamics, 2007, Vol. 45, No. 4, pp. 359-373,

5.ع. اسدی لاری، ا. کاپور The influence of bogie direction reversal on the wheel wear rate and on the wear patterns of rail vehicles, Wear, DOI: 10.1016/j.wear.2007.08.023, 2007 .

6.ج.ع.ذاکری، ج.صادقی “Field Investigation on Load Distribution and Deflections of Railway Track Sleepers" Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 2007, V 21 No. 12, pp. 1948-1956.



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2.پ.حسینی تهرانی، م.نیک احد “ Two materials S-frame representation for improving crashworthiness and lightening ”, Journal of thin- walled structures, 44,(2006) 407-414.

3.پ.حسینی تهرانی، م.نیک احد “ Effects of ribs on S-frame crashworthiness ”, IMEKE, Journal of Automobile engineering vol. 220, (2006) 1679-1689 .

4. م.ه. کارگرنوین، د.یونسیان، D.J.Thompson, C.J.C. Jones, Parametrically excited vibration of a Timoshenko beam on viscoealstic foundation subjected to a harmonic moving load, (Journal of) Nonlinear Dynamics, 2006, Vol. 45, No. 1-2, pp. 75-93,

5.د.یونسیان، ا.اسماعیلزاده، ر.صداقتی، Passive control of vibration of beams subjected to random excitations with peaked PSD, Journal of Vibration and Control, 2006, Vol.12, No.9, pp. 941-953,

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7.ک.قصیری، ف.مرشد سلوک “ ACS-TS: Train Scheduling Using Ant Colony System ”, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences, Volume 2006, Article ID 95060, 1-28.



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2.پ.حسینی تهرانی، ا.ر.حسینی گدرزی، م.توانگر، “ Importance of inertia term in dynamic crack problems considering Lord-Shulman theory of thermoelasticity ”, J. of Thermal Stresses, 28, (2005)267-283.

3.پ.حسینی تهرانی، م.ر.اسلامی، “ Effective stress and temperature distribution at laser interface excited by pulsed laser heating”, IMECKE, J. of strain analysis, Vol. 40 No.5 (2005) 395- 402.

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Hamid Hassanabadi,Bijan Moaveni, Mohammad Karimi, A comprehensive distributed architecture for railway traffic control using multi-agent systems, Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit * may2014and Mehrdad Nouria, An improved algorithm in railway truss bridge optimization under stress, displacement and buckling,, Vol. 46, No. 4 (2013) 571-594 Pouryousef. Ali1, Mohammadzadeh. Saeed2,*,A simplified probabilistic method for reliability evaluation of design codes,Advances in Structural Engineering;Jan2014, Vol. 17 Issue 1, p97
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