:: submission
# Dear editor, Where is the exact place in which I should upload my revised article and attach graphical abstract?
please be informed that you can upload your revised paper in your profile and replace it with the old version od your paper, all other files can be uploaded as attachments, please use appropriate catiopns to name your file.
2019/05/19 Question Link Show Print Version
# Dear editor, because of I couldn't upload my revised manscript and necessary other files in your journal's web page, I sent you these files via e-mail. Is there any objection?
Dear Author
please be informed that when your paper in sent back for your revisions, you should just go to your personal panel and revise your paper and add other files as attachments.
2019/04/6 Question Link Show Print Version
# I want to know is there any publication charges for submitting my manuscript? or it is free of cost.
  • The journal doesn't  have any article processing charges (APCs) and submission charges.
  • The journal is published quarterly and on time and free of charge

2018/12/30 Question Link Show Print Version

How long does it take to completion of reviewing process?

It takes between 2 months after your submisson of paper.

2016/09/6 Question Link Show Print Version
# How long does it take to publish my accepted paper?
It depends on accepted paper count that is submitted before your paper.
2008/09/10 Question Link Show Print Version
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