Paper Instruction

Iranian Journal of Materials Science and Engineering (IJMSE)

Instructions for Authors

How to publish your article in IJMSE on line:

Go to the home page of IJMSE via the following link," " and click the key provided "for Authors", and then click the key for" Authors' Guidelines", to see how to arrange and submit your article.

The language of the journal is English. Papers should deal with original research not previously published or being considered for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts should be submitted online along with a set of all original illustrations, photographs and drawings. The text should be typed using Word (version 6 and onwards) including tables and captions.

Types of Articles

Article will be published in the following categories:

  1. Research Papers: describe comprehensive investigations with a full analysis leading to clear and novel conclusions. A full paper must be subdivided into sections, e.g. Introduction, Experimental Procedure, Results & Discussion, Conclusion and References. The research papers including tables and figures should not exceed 15 pages.
  2. Review papers: are peer-reviewed and give a general overview of a particular field, providing the reader with an appreciation of the important of the work, a summary of recent developments, and a guide to the relevant literature.

     3- Technical Notes: Short scientific notes, such as useful methods with special application in Materials Sciences and Engineering, or brief extension of a research/theory can be published as short notes. Abstracts and conclusion sections are compulsory.

Manuscript Organization

Cover Letter: Authors must prepare and submit, with their manuscript, a cover letter which includes the following information:


The text: Should be written in English, clearly typed (font size 11 points) and double-spaced throughout with at least 2.5 cm margins. All the pages should be consecutively numbered and align text to the left. Authors should use abbreviated form of figure “i.e. Fig.” within the text.

Main Text Headings: The manuscript should be divided as follow:

TITLE: A brief, descriptive, concise title of the article is required in capital letters.

Full name of Authors AND THEIR AFFILIATION: The name of the author(s) including academics (i.e. Students; lecturers and professors) or other professional affiliations should be appeared under the title, for example M. R. JAHANGIRI1, H. ARABI2, S. M. A. BOUTORABI3. The institutes' that the authors are affiliated should be addressed via the corresponding number appeared on the authors names after the authors names. Information's such as postal addresses and E-mails should be included for all of the authors. In addition telephone number and the fax number (If available) of the corresponding author to whom all correspondence will be sent must be given.

Abstract: Abstract is a concise summary of the whole paper and should briefly states the objective, approach and gives the summary of results and conclusions drawn.

Key words: A list of 3-6 key words must be given under the abstract section.


Experimental procedure

Results and Discussion




All publications cited and used in the text should be addressed within the text and in the reference section. In the text, each reference should be given an appropriate number within a square bracket [  ] that it appears in the reference section. Abbreviation et al. should be used after the first author name for the references having more than one author in the text, but all the names should be given in the reference section. The list of references should be arranged numerically. References must consist of names and initials of all authors, title of paper referred to, abbreviated title of periodicals, year of the publication, volume number, finally the first and the last page numbers of the article.

References referring to paper:

1. Davami, P, Praaq, W. V., Keizer, K., Ommen, J. G. V., Ross, J. R. H. and Burggraaf, A. J., “Reactor Studies Using Vanadia Modified Titania and Alumina Catalytically Active Membranes for the Reduction of Nitrogen Oxide with Ammonia.”  J. Appl. Catal., 1991, 74, 249-251.

References referring to Conference Paper:

2. Rigaud, M., Palco, S. and Wang, N., “Spinel formation in the MgO-Al2O3 System Relevant to Basic Castables” Proceedings of the Unified Int.Tech.Conf.on Refractories (UNITECR ‘95), Kyoto, Japan, 1995, 387–392.

References referring to book:

3. Ulmer, G. C., Chromium spinel. High Temperature Oxides, Part I, Magnesia, Lime and Chromium Refractories, ed. A. M. Alper. New York, USA, 1970, 252–315.

References referring to Network: Title, Author, Web Address:

4. "Influence of Grain Phase on Slag Corrosion of Low Cement Castable Refractories", Sarpoolaky, H. and Lee, W. E.,

References referring to Patent:

6. Smith, M. Hejazi, J and Golestani, F., Alumina-spinel Monolithic Refractory, USPatent 01716543988, 2009.

Tables and Tables’ Captions: Tables should be typed double-spaced on a separate sheet and numbered consecutively with English numerals at the end of text. All tables should be keyed in to the text. A short descriptive caption should be given above each table and any footnotes and explanations underneath.

Figures and Figures’s Legend: Figures should be numbered and keyed into the text. All the illustrations (photos, diagrams, schematics) must be submitted within the text with suitable resolution. Color figures cannot be accepted. All figures should be bright and clear. Please note that dark colors against a dark background cannot be reproduced well. Each graph should be prepared in Microsoft Excel program and then embedded to the text.

GRAPHICAL ABSTRACTS: Graphical abstracts should be submitted as a separate file during the online submission system. It will be displayed in online search result lists, the online contents list and the online article, but will not (yet) appear in the article PDF file or print. Graphical abstract is a single, concise, pictorial and visual summary of the main findings of the article. This could either be the concluding figure from the article or a figure that is specially designed for the purpose, which captures the content of the article for readers at a single glance.

Authors must provide an image that clearly represents the work described in the paper. A key figure from the original paper, summarizing the content can also be submitted as a graphical abstract.

Example 1 derived from the Iranian Journal of Materials Science & Engineering, Vol. 9, Number 3, September 2012:


Example 2 derived derived from the Iranian Journal of Materials Science & Engineering, Vol. 12, Number 2, Jun 2015:



Highlights are a short collection of bullet points that convey the core findings and provide readers with a quick textual overview of the article. These three to five bullet points describe the essence of the research (e.g. results or conclusions) and highlight what is distinctive about it.

Highlights will be displayed in online search result lists; the contents list and in the online article, but will not (yet) appear in the article PDF file or print.

Author instructions: Highlights should be submitted as a separate source file in EES (i.e. Microsoft Word not PDF) by selecting "Highlights" from the drop-down list when uploading files. Please obey to the specifications below


Include 3 to 5 highlights.

There should be a maximum of 85 characters, including spaces, per highlight.

Only the core results of the paper should be covered.


. In as-spun ribbons of  Fe85Cu1Si2B8P4, nano clusters of α-Fe were detected within amorphous matrix.

. B and P partitioned in amorphous phase that led to the grain growth hindrance.

. Increasing the annealing temperature led to the rise of B and contents in remaining amorphous phase.

.The highest BS and smallest Hc were obtained for the samples annealed above 445 °C.

Copyright Transfer Agreement: Upon acceptance of an article by the journal, the author(s) will be asked to transfer the copy right of the article to the publisher on behalf of any and all co-authors, and must warrant that they are aware of and in agreement with all the contents of the article and consent to their names appearing on it. The copy right form is the last step of verification of your paper submission.

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