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:: Dr.rezvani ::


  (last update 18.06.2018)

  Personal Details

  Surname: Rezvani

  Name: Mohammad Ali

  Present Position: Associate professor

  Department : Rolling Stock Eng.

  Ph.D. in Mechanical Eng., The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 1994.

  Tel: +98-21- 77240540(8515)

  E-mail : rezvani_maiust.ac.ir

  Homepage: webpages.iust.ac.ir/rezvani2
  Publons Profile: Mohammad Ali Rezvani
  ORCiD Profile: Mohammad Ali Rezvani
  Google Scholar Profile: Mohammad Ali Rezvani

  Education and Qualifications

  University Degrees

  Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Mechanical Eng., The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 1994.

  Master of Science (MSc) in Mechanical Eng., Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 1989.

  Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Mechanical Eng., Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, 1986.



  - Academic, School of Railway Eng., Iran University of Science and Technology, Since Sept. 2000.


 Research Interests

  - Mechanical Vibrations & Modal Analysis

  - Condition Monitoring and Machinery Fault Diagnosis

  - Wear and Tribology


  Teaching Experiences

    Postgraduate courses (presented in the School of Railway Eng. at Iran University of Science and Technology)

  - Frequency Analysis

  - Modal Analysis

  - Railway Vehicle/Bridge Dynamic Interaction

  - Fundamentals of Railway Rolling Stock Engineering

   Undergraduate courses (presented in the School of Railway Eng. at Iran University of Science and Technology)

  - Fundamentals of Bogie Design

  - Mechanical Vibrations

  - Automatic Control

  - Eng. Mechanics, Dynamics

  - Mechanics of Solids

  - Machine Design


  Laboratory Supervision

 -  Mechanical Vibration (Educational)

 -  Advanced Mechanical Vibrations (Research - concerned with Railway Oriented Modal Analysis & Vibration Condition Monitoring)


  Selected Written Works
  35) Rezvani, M.A., Javanmardi, D., Mostaghim, P., "Diagnosis of EMD645 Diesel engine connection rod failure through modal testing and finite element modeling", Engineering Failure Analysis ", 92(2018), pp. 50-60, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engfailanal.2018.05.005 
  34)  Mohebbi, M. , Rezvani, M.A., "Multi objective optimization of aerodynamic design of high-speed railway windbreaks using Lattice Boltzmann  Method and wind tunnel test results", International Journal of Rail Transportation, Vol. 6, No. 3, (2018), pp. 183-201. DOI: 10.1080/23248378.2018.1463873
​  33) Mohebbi, M., Rezvani, M.A., "Study of the effects of windbreaks on the aerodynamic behavior of high-speed train in Tehran-Qom-Isfahan High-speed railway megaproject", Journal of Transportation Infrastructure Engineering, Vol. 3, Issue 4, (Winter 2018), pp. 1-15.
  32) Mohebbi, M., Rezvani, M.A., "The impact of air fences geometry on air flow around an ICE3 high speed train on a double line railway track with exposure to crosswinds", Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 11, No. 3, (2018), pp. 743-754. DOI: 10.18869/acadpub.jafm.73.246.27862

  31) Mohebbi, M., Rezvani, M.A. , "Two-dimensional analysis of the influence of windbreaks on airflow over a high speed train under crosswind  using Lattice Boltzmann method", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F, Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 232(3) (2018), pp. 863-872.
 30) Rezvani, M.A., Esmaeili, M. , Feizi, M.M., "Discrete mass modeling for dynamic response of buildings in the vicinity or railway tracks due to train induced ground vibrations", Scientia Iranica, Transactions B; Mechanical Engineering, 24(4) (2017), pp. 1922-1939. 

  29) Rezvani, M.A., Mazraeh, M., "Dynamics and stability analysis of a freight wagon subjective to the railway track and wheelset operational conditions", European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids, 61 (2017) , pp. 22-34.

 28) Vesali, F., Molatefi, H., Rezvani, M.A., "Using new analytical algorithm to study the effect of temperature variations on static shape of contact wire of OCS", Vol. 18, Issue 4, (2016), p. 2061-2073.

 27) Rezvani, M.A., Feizi, M.M., Shadfar, M., "An innovative method for stress analysis of Y25 bogie under oscillating loads due to tank wagon fluid sloshing", Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Vol. 52 , No.(3) (2014), pp. 745-755.

 26) Feizi, M.M., Rezvani, M.A., "Design of LQR controller for active suspension system of partially filled tank cars", Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol. (49), No. (3) (2014), pp. 329-353.

  25) Mohammadi, M., Rezvani, M.A., "Optimisation of the railway vehicle suspension system: an application of the genetic algorithms and the Pareto front method", Int. J. of Heavy Vehicle Systems, Vol.21, No. (4) (2014), pp.328-350.

  24) Rezvani, M.A., Mohebbi, M., "Numerical calculations of aerodynamic performance for ATM train at crosswind conditions", Wind and Structures, Vol. 18, No. (5) (2014), 529-548.

   23) Rezvani, M.A., Vesali, F., Eghbali, A., "Dynamic response of railway bridges traversed simultaneously by opposing moving trains", Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol. 46, No. (5) (2013), 713-734.

  22) Jafarian, E. and Rezvani, M.A., "A valuation-based method for ranking the intuitionistic fuzzy numbers", Journal of Intelleigent and Fuzzy Systems, 24(2013), 133-144. DOI: 10.3233/IFS-2012-0537.

  21) Vesali, F., Rezvani, M.A., and Kashfi, M., "Dynamics of universal joints, its failures and some propositions for practically improving its performance and life expectancy", Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 26(8) (2012) 2439-2449.

  20) Jafarian, E., and Rezvani, M.A., "Application of fuzzy fault tree analysis for evaluation of railway safety risks: An evaluation of root causes for passenger train derailment", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F, Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 226(1), Jan. 2012, pp. 14-25. DOI: 10.1177/0954409711403678 (Abstract)

  19) Behbahani, H., Yaghoubi, H., and Rezvani, M.A., "Development of technical and economical models for widespread application of magnetic levitation system in public transport", International Journal of Civil Engineering (IJCE), Vol. 10, No.1, March 2012, pp. 13-24.

  18) Yaghoubi, H. and Rezvani, M.A., “Development of maglev guideway loading model”, Journal of Transportation Engineering (ASCE), 137, March 2011, pp. 201-213. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)TE.1943-5436.0000211. (Abstract)

  17) Rezvani, M.A. & Asali Lari, A., "The effect of kinematic oscillations on harmonic wheel flange wear of rail vehicles", Journal of Mechanics, Vol. 26, No. 3, Sept. 2010, pp. 317-325. (Abstract)

  16) Rezvani, M.A., Owhadi, A. and Niksai, F., "The effect of worn wheel profile in wear progress of rail vehicle steel wheels over curved tracks", Vehicle System Dynamics, Vol. 47, No. 3, March 2009, pp. 325-342. (Abstract)

  15) Rezvani, M.A., "A harmonic balance approach for the analysis of flexible rotor bearing systems on non-linear support", International Journal of Science and Technology, Transaction B, Mechanical Eng., Vol. 16, No. 5, Oct. 2009, pp. 413-424. (Abstract)

  14) Asadi Lari, A. and Rezvani, M.A., "An observation of sinusoidal motion creating harmonic wavy pattern in the rail vehicle wheel flanges", Iranian Journal of Science & Technology, Transaction B, Eng., Vol. 32, No. B4, 2008, pp. 315-324. (Abstract)

  13) Rezvani, M.A. and Hahn, E.J., "Floating ring squeeze film dampers, Theoretical analysis", Tribology International, 33: (3-4) 249-258 Mar-Apr 2000. (Abstract)

 12) Rezvani, M.A. and Hahn, E.J., "An experimental evaluation of squeeze film dampers without centralizing springs", Tribology International, Elsevier, Vol 29, No. 1, 1996, pp. 51-59. (Abstract)

  11) Rezvani, M.A., Hahn, E.J., "Limitations of the short bearing approximation in dynamically loaded narrow hydrodynamic bearings", Transactions of the ASME, Vol 115, July 1993, pp. 544-549. (Abstract)

  10) Salimi, E., Rezvani, M.A., Shahsavari, E., "Crashworthiness improvement of Pardis trainset using thin walled tubes - simulation", Int. J. of Vehicle Sys. and Struc., Vol. 5, No. (3) (2014), 80-83.

  9) Rezvani, M.A., Mazraeh, A., "Effects of the longitudinal axlebox clearance on lateral instability, curving and wear behavior of the three piece bogies", Advances in Railway Eng.(Int.), Vol. 1 , No. (1) (2013), 1-13.

  8) Mohebbi, M., Rezvani, M.A., "Numerical analysis of aerodynamic performance of regional passenger train under crosswind conditions", Int. J. of Vehicle Sys. and Struc., Vol. 5, No. (2) (2013), 68-74.

  7) Vesali, F., Kolagar, M., Rezvani, M.A., "Optimisation of anti-resonance vehicle configuration for vibration attenuation of railway bridges", Int. J. of Vehicle Sys. and Struc., Vol. 5, No. (2) (2013), 63-67.

  6) Rezvani, M.A., Mazraeh, A., "Effects of axle box lateral clearance and friction coefficient on dynamic stability and wear of 3-piece bogies", Int. J. of Vehicle Sys. and Struc., Vol. 5, No. (2) (2013), 58-62.

  5) Rezvani, M.A., "A software for prediction of periodic response of non-linear multi degrees of freedom rotors based on harmonic balances", IUST International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 19, No. 5-1, 2009, pp. 61-69. (Abstract)

  4) Owhadi, A. , Rezvani, M.A. and Ansari, M., "Monitoring of rail vehicle steel wheels with the aim of controlling wear and planning for scheduled maintenance", Journal of Transportation, Vol. 4, No. 3, 2007, pp. 249-257. ( چکیده )

  3) Rezvani, M.A., "Analysis of non-linear dynamics of rotor beraing systems, a direct integration approach by using vaibration modes", International Journal of Engineering Sciences, Vol. 14, No. 4, 2003, pp. 181-193.

  2) Aghaeifar, A., Rezvani, M.A. and Mollahassani, A., "Investigation on the effect of the foundation sand grain size in attenuating structural vibrations caused by the moving trains", Journal of Civil Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Vol. 4, Fall 2011. ( چکیده ).

  1) Rezvani, M.A., Jafarian, E., "Developing an analytical model for the root causes and potential consequences of passenger train derailment on the railways of the I.R.Iran", Journal of Transportation Eng., Vol. 2/ No.4/ Summer 2012, pp. 317-333.


  Conference Attendance

  1) Pendar Atil, N., Farahpour, H. and Rezvani, M. A., "Simulation of hunting phenomena in locomotives, a non linear approach", The 8th International Railway Transportation Conference, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, 8-9 Nov., 2006.

  2) Rezvani, M.A. and Ansari, A., "Modeling and simulation of the dynamics of a wagon equipped with two axle bogies", 7th International Conference on Railway Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 29-30 April, 2004.

  3) Rezvani, M.A. and Jalayer, F., "Computer aided design of a transfer car", 7th International Conference on Railway Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 29-30 April, 2004.

  4) Bagheri, V.R. Foutohi, A. and Rezvani, M.A., "Dynamic stability and ride comfort of railway coaches equipped with anti yaw dampers", The 2nd Gathering of Railway Transportation, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, 17-18 Nov., 2003.

  5) Fallah, A.R. and Rezvani, M.A., "Design of a freight wagon equipped with auto racks", The 2nd Gathering of Railway Transportation, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, 17-18 Nov., 2003.

  6) Rezvani, M.A., Owhadi, A. and Jafari, "Ways of reducing wheel/rail wear", Conference proceedings, The 2nd Gathering of Railway Transportation, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, 17-18 Nov., 2003.

  7) Khalafi, K. and Rezvani, M.A., "Computer aided design of a bogie frame", The 2nd Gathering of Railway Transportation, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, 17-18 Nov., 2003.

  8) Rezvani, M.A., "Stability of rotating machinery supported by squeeze film dampers under gyroscopic effects", Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Aero-Dynamics, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 25-27 Jan., 2002.

  9) Owhadi, A., Rezvani, M.A., Ansari, M. and Karbasizade, "Field measurement of wheel wear phenomena and planning for better maintenance of rolling stocks", The 3rd National Conference on Maintenance Engineering, Tehran, 11-12 Sept., 2005.

  10) Rezvani, M. (keynote speaker), "Obstacles in modernization of railway rolling stocks in I.R.Iran", National Congregation of Rolling Stock Industries - Challenges & Opportunities, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 25-26 Dec. 2006.

  11) Owhadi, A., Rezvani, M.A. and Saeidi, H., “Simulation of distributor valve for railway coaches brake system”, The 8th International Railway Transportation Conference, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, 8-9 Nov., 2006.

  12) Hazrati, I., Niksai, F., Owhadi, A. and Rezvani, M.A., “The effect of wheel profile on wheel wear and dynamic behavior of trains”, The 8th International Railway Transportation Conference, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, 8-9 Nov., 2006.

  13) Dalir, F., Shahrokhi and Rezvani, M.A., ”A brake design software for standard freight wagons”, The 8th International Railway Transportation Conference, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, 8-9 Nov., 2006.

  14) Rezvani, M.A. and Jalayer, F., “Design of a rail vehicle for workshop goods transfer”, 5th International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 17-18 Feb. 2002.

  15) Rezvani, M.A., “Advanced techniques for condition monitoring of rail vehicle wheels and railway tracks”, 1st Condition Monitoring Seminar, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 26-27 Feb., 2007.

  16) Banan, R. and Rezvani, M.A.,”Defect classification and fatigue analysis of H665 type railway bogies”, The 3rd Student Gathering of Railway Transportation”, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, 8-9 May, 2007.

  17) Armion, A.R., and Rezvani, M.A., “Dynamic analysis of H665 3 axles bogie”, 15th. Annual (International) Conference on Mechanical Engineering-ISME2007, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, May 15-17, 2007.

  18) Ozdelniya, O., Sandidzadeh, M.A. and Rezvani, M.A., “Possible adjustments to the train braking system when altering 7-unit trainset into 8-unit trainset”, The 9th International Railway Transportation Conference, Tehran, Iran, 10-11 Nov., 2007.

  19) Rezvani, M.A. and Asadi Lari, A. and Khalafi, K. , “A numerical procedure for calculation of pull-push forces between wagons with special interest on train couplings”, 7th International Conference on Railway Bogies and Running Gears, Budapest, Hungary, 3-6 Sept, 2007.

  20) Asadi Lari, A., Rezvani, M.A. and Mirchi, A., “A Preliminary investigation on failure mechanisms of rail vehicle steel wheels”, 7th International Conference on Railway Bogies and Running Gears, Budapest, Hungary, 3-6 Sept, 2007.

  21) Rezvani, M.A., Owhadi, A. and Majidi, “A survey on rail vehicle wheel flange wear by field measurements on track 2 of Tehran metro lines”, 16th. Annual (International) Conference on Mechanical Engineering-ISME2008, Kerman, Iran, 14-16 May, 2008.

  22) Keymasi, A., Hosseini Tehrani, P. and Rezvani, M.A., “Calculation of vital joints in G16 locomotive chassis”, 16th. Annual (International) Conference on Mechanical Engineering-ISME2008, Kerman, Iran, 14-16 May, 2008.

  23) Majidi, Owhadi, A. and Rezvani, M.A., “The effects of rail vehicle wheel flange wear on dynamic behavior of the rolling stock on track 2 of Tehran metro lines”, The 10th International Conference on Railway Engineering, Tehran, 19-20 Oct., 2008.

  24) Rezvani, M.A. and Babaei, H., “Simulation and analysis of the combined effects of thermal and mechanical stresses on GT26 locomotive diesel engine block”, 17th. Annual (International) Conference on Mechanical Engineering-ISME2009, University of Tehran, Iran, 19-21 May, 2009.

  25) Asadi Lari, A., Rezvani, M.A. and Zargaran, A., “Strength analysis of locomotive chassis and verification by field measurements”, 17th. Annual (International) Conference on Mechanical Engineering-ISME2009, University of Tehran, Iran, 19-21 May, 2009.

  26) Dehghan, P., Firoozbakht, V., Rezvani, M.A. and Hosseini, P., “Stress analysis of Parsi rail vehicle structure and its design optimization by using modal parameters”, 17th. Annual (International) Conference on Mechanical Engineering-ISME2009, University of Tehran , Iran , 19-21 May, 2009.

  27) Khalafi, K., Mosavi, H. and Rezvani, M.A., “Replacing laboratory strength tests with virtual tests for bogie frames”, The 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Railway Engineering (ICRARE-2009), Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, 27-28 Sept. 2009.

  28) Aghaeifar, A., Rezvani, M.A. and Boulori Bazaz, J., “Evaluation of ground borne vibrations caused by passing high speed trains”, The 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Railway Engineering (ICRARE-2009), Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, 27-28 Sept. 2009.

  29) Aghaeifar, A., Rezvani, M.A. and Sandidzadeh, M.A., "Safety evaluation of buildings in the vicinity of railway tracks and compliance with ISO14837-1", 19th Annual, International Railway Safety Conference, Bastad, Sweden, 28-29 Sept., 2009.

  30) Rezvani, M.A. and Kalami Yazdi, M., "Vibrations of a beam under flexible moving load", Student Congeragation of Mechnical Engineers, Azad University, Mashhad, Iran, Oct. 2009.

  31) Rezvani, M.A., Owhadi, A. and Bookani, M.R, "Stress analysis of GE-C30-7i locomotive chassis under dynamic load", 18th. Annual (International) Conference on Mechanical Engineering-ISME2010, Sharif of University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 11-13 May, 2010.

  32) Jafarian, E., Rezvani, M.A., "Evaluation of the fatalities in the event of fire in passenger train by the fault tree and the event tree analysis", 7th international Industrial Engineering Conference, Oct. 6-7, Isfahan, Iran, 2010.

  33) Jafarian, E., Rezvani, M.A., "Development of a model for the evaluation of the risk in the transportation of dangerous goods by the railway fleet", 12th International Railway Transportation Conference & 5th Exhibition, 24-25 Oct. 2010, Razi Seminar Hall, Tehran, Iran.

  34) Rezvani, M.A., Shadfar, M. and Feizi, M.M., "Simulation of the dynamics of the freight wagon in passing through switches: A strategic plan for condition monitoring of the railway fleet", 5th Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis Conference (CMFD2011), Abadan Petroleum University of Technology, 1-3 March 2011, Abadan, Iran.

  35) Rezvani, M.A. and Yaserinejad, Z., "Monitoring the destructive effects of the noise from the high-speed trains on the structures in the vicinity of railway tracks", 5th Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis Conference (CMFD2011), Abadan Petroleum University of Technology, 1-3 March 2011, Abadan, Iran.

  36) Rezvani, M.A. and Mohammadi, M., "Study on the effectiveness of the wayside condition monitoring equipment in safeguarding railway rolling stocks", 5th Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis Conference (CMFD2011), Abadan Petroleum University of Technology, 1-3 March 2011, Abadan, Iran.

  37) Jafarian, E. and Rezvani, M.A., "Quantitative evaluation of the root causes for train derailment in Iranian Railways using fuzzy fault tree analysis", International Conference on Applied Mechanics, Materials and Manufacturing (ICAMMM-2010), Muscat, Oman, 13-15 Dec. 2010.

  38) Yaserinejad, E. and Rezvani, M.A., "Investigation and field measurement on the environmental effects of noise initiated from passing high speed trains", International Conference on Applied Mechanics, Materials and Manufacturing (ICAMMM-2010), Muscat, Oman, 13-15 Dec. 2010.

  39) Rezvani, M.A. and Jafarian, E., "Evaluation of the possible causes for a train entering an occupied block while departing from the station: an application of the Fuzzy Fault Tree analysis", The 6th National Congress on Civil Engineering, 26-27 April 2011, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran.

  40) Sadeghi, M., Shadfar, M., Rezvani, M.A., "Dynamic modeling of three piece bogies at curves and the parameters affecting its derailment index", Railroading in Extreme Conditions, International Heavy Haul Association Conference, Calgary, Canada, June 19-21, 2011.

  41) Rezvani, M.A. and Mohebbi, M., "Analysis of the unsteady aerodynamic forces on high speed trains when paasing by each other", 13th International Railway Transportation Conference & 6th Exhibition, 24-25 Oct. 2011, Razi Seminar Hall, Tehran, Iran.

  42) Rezvani, M.A. and Mohammadi, M., "Optimization of the passenger wagon suspension system", 13th International Railway Transportation Conference & 6th Exhibition, 24-25 Oct. 2011, Razi Seminar Hall, Tehran, Iran.

  43) Vesali, F., Eghbali, A., Rezvani, M.A., "Forced vibrations of the railway bridges under the moving trains", 13th International Railway Transportation Conference & 6th Exhibition, 24-25 Oct. 2011, Razi Seminar Hall, Tehran, Iran.

  44) Rezvani, M.A., Afkar, M., Akbari Mammaghani, M., "A survey and comparison of the levels of the safety indexes in use in the Iranian, the USA and the Canadian railways", The 2nd National Conference on Roadway, Railway & Aerial Accidents, Nov. 10, 2011, Islamic Azad University , Zanjan Branch.

  45) Rezvani, M.A, Afkar, M., "Optimizing crashworthiness of Iran-Pardis trainset through dynamic simulation", The 1st International Conference on Acoustics and Vibration (ISAV2011), 21-22 Dec. 2011, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran , Iran.

  46) Salimi, E., Shahsavari, M.E., Rezvani, M.A., "Improving crashworthiness of Iran Pardis trainset in order to expand its service life", The 6th Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis Conference (CMFD2012), 28 Feb- 1 March 2012, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.

  47) Salimi, E., Rezvani, M.A., "Optimization of DH4-1 Pardis trainset crashworthiness by utilizing thin walled energy absorbing tubes", 20th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering-ISME2012, 16-18 May 2012, School of Mechanical Eng., Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.

  48) Rezvani, M.A., Mohebbi, M., Mohebbi, R., Vaeziyan, S., "Interacting lateral dynamics in the train- bridge girder lattice system", 20th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering-ISME2012, 16-18 May 2012, School of Mechanical Eng., Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.

  49) Mohebi, M., Rezvani, M.A., "Aerodynamics of Parsi coaches under cross winds", 14th International Railway Transportation Conference & 7th Exhibition, 23-24 Oct. 2012, Razi Seminar Hall, Tehran, Iran.

  50) Rezvani, M.A., Emadifar, M., Sebtolsheikh, M. J., Akbari Mamaghani, M., "Defining the installation location of railway reactive defect detection systems with analytic hierarchy process", 14th International Railway Transportation Conference & 7th Exhibition, 23-24 Oct. 2012, Razi Seminar Hall, Tehran, Iran.

  51) Mollasalmani, M., Rezvani, M.A., Shahverdi, H., "A case study including field measurements aimed at improving JZ-7 Barking system on DF8BI locomotive", The 3rd International Conference on Recent Advances in Railway Engineering, April 30-May 1, 2013, Iran University of Science and Technology , Tehran, Iran.

  52) Mollasalmani, M., Rezvani, M.A., Shahverdi, H., "Filed study on the effect of lubrication on controlling wheel flange wear in 6-axle locomotive (type DF8BI)", The 3rd International Conference on Recent Advances in Railway Engineering, April 30-May 1, 2013, Iran University of Science and Technology , Tehran, Iran.

  53) Mazraeh, A. , Rezvani, M.A., "A study on the effects of axle-box lateral clearance and coefficient of friction on three piece bogie (18-100) dynamic stability and wear behaviour", The 3rd International Conference on Recent Advances in Railway Engineering, April 30-May 1, 2013, Iran University of Science and Technology , Tehran, Iran.

  54) Mohebbi, M., Rezvani, M.A., "Numerical calculations of aerodynamic performance of regional passneger train at crosswind conditions", The 3rd International Conference on Recent Advances in Railway Engineering, April 30-May 1, 2013, Iran University of Science and Technology , Tehran, Iran.

  55) Salimi, E., Molatefi, H., Rezvani, M.A., "Investigation on the effect of using thin walled tubes in high speed train for improving collision energy absorption using LS DYNA-3D software", The 3rd International Conference on Recent Advances in Railway Engineering, April 30-May 1, 2013, Iran University of Science and Technology , Tehran, Iran.

  56) Vesali, F., Kolagar, M., Rezvani, M.A.,"Optimized design of size adjusted freight rail vehicle for the vibration attenuation of railway bridges", The 3rd International Conference on Recent Advances in Railway Engineering, April 30-May 1, 2013, Iran University of Science and Technology , Tehran, Iran.

  57) Azizi, M.J., Keshavarzian, M., Shahravi, M., Rezvani, M.A., "Investigation of friction effect on headcheck fatigue crack initiantion in rail", International Congress on Advanced Railway Eng. (IC-ARE'15), 2-4 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey.

  58) Rezvani, M.A., Mazraeh, A., Shadfar, M., Mehrali, M., "Field study on the efficient tribo/operational parameters affecting the competitive and simultaneous formation of rail wear, rcf cracks and material deformation", International Congress on Advanced Railway Eng. (IC-ARE'15), 2-4 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey.

 59) Niksai, F., Rezvani, M.A., Shadfar, M., "Ride comfort evaluation of Tehran metro fleet", The 5th International Conference on Recent Advances in Railway Engineering (ICRARE2017), Tehran, Iran, 15-16 May, 2017. 

 60) Rezvani, M.A., Javanmardi, D., Mirzaei, I., "Fault diagnosis of a 16 cylinders locomotive Diesel engine journal bearings", The 5th International Conference on Recent Advances in Railway Engineering (ICRARE2017), Tehran, Iran, 15-16 May, 2017.

 61) Rezvani, M.A., Mirzaei, I., Javanmardi, D., "Simulation and dynamic analysis of a 16 cylinders heavy duty locomotive Diesel engine due to the combustion failure in a single cylinder",  The 5th International Conference on Recent Advances in Railway Engineering (ICRARE2017), Tehran, Iran, 15-16 May, 2017.

 62) Mohebbi, M., Rezvani, M.A., "A computational fluid dynamics analysis in mesoscopic scale on a type of high speed railway wind barriers", The 5th International Conference on Recent Advances in Railway Engineering (ICRARE2017), Tehran, Iran, 15-16 May, 2017.

 63) Rezvani, M.A., "Analysis of the effcets of flextural modes of carbody on vertical vibrations of a high speed railway vehicle", The 5th International Conference on Recent Advances in Railway Engineering (ICRARE2017), Tehran, Iran, 15-16 May, 2017.


  Research Projects

  - "Design of a computer software for freight wagons and passenger coaches' brake calculations", Sponsored by the Research Office for the Ministry of Mines and Heavy Industries, 2007-2008.

  - "Investigation of wheel/rail wear in Tehran urban and suburban rail networks", Sponsored by the research office, Tehran Urban and Suburban Railway Company (TUSRC) , 2004-2005.

  - "Codifying design calculations for an auto rack", Sponsored by the research office, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), 2001-2002.

  - "Dynamic simulation of rail vehicle bogie type MD36", Sponsored by the research office, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), 2002-2003.

  - "Systematic calculation of rail vehicle wheel wear index for TUSRC fleet", Sponsored by the research office, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), 2003-2004.

  - "Analysis of the non-linear behavior of rotor bearing systems by using a harmonic balance approach", Sponsored by the research office, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), 2004-2005.

  - "Planning for systematic maintenance of rail vehicle wheels in order to reduce the overall cost of operations", Sponsored by the research office, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), 2004-2005.

  - "Analysis of GT26CW locomotive chassis under static and dynamic loading conditions", Sponsored by the research office, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), 2005-2006.

  - "Dynamic analysis and investigation of the lateral stability of PARSI passenger coach", Sponsored by the research office, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), 2006-2007.

  - "Simulation of the structural effects of the combination of thermal and mechanical stresses on GT26 locomotive Diesel engine block", Sponsored by the research office, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), 2007-2008.

  - "Studying the effects of the ground borne vibrations on the structures in the vicinity of the railway tracks", Sponsored by the research office, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), 2008-2009.

  - "Design calculations for air conditioning and fire extinguishing systems of subway stations", Sponsored by the research office, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), 2009-2010

  - "Analysis of train crash worthiness at level crossings and propositions for improving structure energy absorption", Sponsored by the research office, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), 2010-2011.

  - "Dynamic response of railway bridges under simultaneous crossing of series of moving loads", Sponsored by the research office, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), 2011-2012.


  Assignments and Consultations

  - Team leader for the "planning and founding of a postgraduate discipline (MSc) in Railway Rolling Stock Engineering", School of Railway Eng, IUST, 2005-2007.

  - Team member for the "planning and founding of a postgraduate discipline (MSc) in Railway Safety Engineering", School of Railway Eng, IUST, 2004-2005.

  - Team leader for "review and upgrade of curriculum for an undergraduate program (BSc) in Railway Rolling Stock Eng.", SRE, IUST, 2006-2007.

  - Planning for and setting up the "Dynamics & Vibrations laboratory", School of Railway Eng., IUST, 2001-2002.

  - Co-leader for establishing "Wagon and Train Brakes workshops", School of Railway Eng., IUST, 2001-2003.

  - Director of studies to "provide the School of Railway Eng. with proper plans and strategies for launching advanced research laboratories (2004-2006), covering":

         Bogie Fatigue Tests;

         Advanced Mechanical Vibrations (Railway oriented Modal Analysis & Vibration Condition Monitoring);

         Tribology (wear & lubrication).


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