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:: Ataei Shervan ::
 | Post date: 2023/11/5 | 


Shervan Ataei

  University:     Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST)

  Faculty:        School of Railway Engineering

  department: Track and Structure

  Phone:        +98-21-73228532

  Fax:            +98-21-77451568

  Email:          ataei (at) iust.ac.ir, 

                     bridge (at) iust.ac.ir

  ReseaecherID Profile: Sh.Ataei
  ORCiD Profile: Sh. Ataei
  Google Scholar Profile: Sh.Ataei
  Dana Profile: ISC-ID: IR-0000-RF-FFCFDB4E



B.Sc in civil engineering, , 1998, University of Tehran
M.Sc. in structul engineering, Fuzzy design of transmision tower, 2000, University of Tehran
Ph.D. in structural engineering, Vibration health monitoring of railway bridges, 2006, Tarbiat modares university


METRA consulting engineers

  Period: 2000-2005

  Position: Design of bridge group

  Responsibilities: Design of bridge

School of Railway Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran , Iran

  Period: 2005-up to now

  Position: Assistant Professor

  Responsibilities: manager of  intelligent monitoring of infrastructure lab,             webpage:imirl.iust.ac.ir


  Teaching in:

undergraduate courses

• Design of steel bridges
• Design of concrete bridges
• Structural analysis
• Design of steel structures
• Design of concrete structures
• Statics
• Bridge design projects
• Final projects

• concrete technology & Lab

• fundumental of railway track engineering

graduate courses

• Computational Intelligence in railway engineering

• Railway track field testing (static loading and modal testing of bridges and tracks)

• Advanced mathematics

• fracture mechanics

• railway track Lab

-structural health monitoring of railway structures


                           AWT IMAGE

                    Intelligent Monitoring of Infrastructures


• field load testing of bridges

• field load testing of railway track
• mining of railway track database
• computational intelligence in railway track engineering
• Production of elearning content [design of concrete bridges, AASHTO LRFD approach]


  • Health monitoring of structures;
  • Condition monitoring of masonry arch bridges;
  • Condition monitoring of railway tracks and turnouts



1- M.S. Marefat, Sh. Ataei, S. Ghahremani, Load test of a plain concrete arch railway bridge of 20-m span, Construction and Building Materials, 2004, 18(9), pp. 661-667,(Abstract)
2- Sh. Ataei, A.A. Aghakouchak, M.S. Marefat and S. Mohammadzadeh, Sensor fusion of a railway bridge load test using neural networks, Expert Systems with Applications, 2005, Volume 29, Issue 3, Pages 678-683.(Abstract)

3- Sh. Ataei, S. Mohammadzadeh, Modal shape identification of the vibration data of bridge dynamic test using fuzzy clustering, Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 37, Issue 8, August 2010, Pages 5813-5817.(Abstract)

4- Sh. Ataei, S.Mohammadzadeh , H. Jadidi ,A. Miri, Effects of maintenance operations on railway track's mechanical behaviour by field load testing, International Journal of Pavement Engineering, Volume 15, No. 3, 2014, pages 215-227.(Abstract)

5- Sh Ataei, MJ Alikamar, V Kazemiashtiani, Evaluation of axle load increasing on a monumental masonry arch bridge based on field load testing, Construction and Building Materials 116,2016, 413-421

6-Sh Ataei, S Mohammadzadeh, A Miri,  Dynamic Forces at Square and Inclined Rail Joints: Field Experiments , Journal of Transportation Engineering,2016.

7-Sh Ataei,M. Tajali,A. Miri,Assessment of load carrying capacity and fatigue life expectancy of a monumental Masonry Arch Bridge by field load testing: a case study of veresk, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2016.

8-Sh. Ataei, A. Miri, Deflection measurement of masonry arch bridge with tall piers:case study of shahbazan bridge, V. 3(1).pp 1-8, 2016.
9-Sh Ataei, A. Miri, M. Tajali, Dynamic Load Testing of a Railway Masonry Arch Bridge, a Case Study of Babak Bridge, scientia iranica, Article 9, Volume 24, Issue 4, July and August 2017, Page 1834-1842.
Sh Ataei, A. Miri, M. Jahangiri, Assessment of load carrying capacity enhancement of an open spandrel masonry arch bridge by dynamic load testing, International Journal of Architectural Heritage,pages 1-15,2017.
11- Sh Ataei,A. Miri, M. Jahangiri, Assessing safety of a railway stone arch bridge by experimental and numerical analysis, Gradevinar,11/2017.
12- Sh Ataei, M. Nouri, V. Kazemiashtiani,
Long-term monitoring of relative displacements at the keystone of a masonry arch bridge, structural control health monitoring, 2018.
13-  Sh Ataei,A. Miri, Investigating dynamic amplification factor of railway masonry arch bridges through dynamic load tests, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 183, 20 September 2018, Pages 693-705.
14-  Morteza Esmaeili, Shervan Ataei and Mohammad Siahkouhi, A case study of dynamic behaviour of short span concrete slab bridge reinforced by tire-derived aggregates as subballast, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RAIL TRANSPORTATION,2019.


M.S. Marefat, Sh. Ataei, S. Ghahremani, Field test of a 20-meter span unreinforced arch bridge, sixth international conference on short and medium span bridges, 2002, Canada.
Sh. Ataei, A. Aghakouchak, M.S. Marefat, S. Mohammadzadeh, Fusion of the Neka Bridge with Neural Network, International Conference on Experimental Vibration Analysis For Civil Engineering Structures (EVACES 2005), 2005, Bordeaux, France. 


-Strut and tie modeling,2006.

-Mining of the railway track geometry irregularities,2008.

-Evolutionary computing and swarm intelligence in railway track engineering, 2009.

-Modal Analysis of railway track, 2010.

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