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:: Reza Mohammad Hasany ::
 | Post date: 2023/12/16 | 

Reza Mohammad Hasany
Assistant Professor

Head of Rail Transportation Division
Faculty of Railway Engineering Department
Email: rmhasanyiust.ac.ir
Iran University of Science and Technology, School of Railway Engineering, Tehran, Iran

Find Reza Mohammad Hasany on Google Scholar and Linkedin

ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0001-7079-4473

Ph.D. Civil Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2015.
M.S. Civil Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2008.
B.S. Civil Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2006.

Research Interests

Operations research, Discrete-event simulation, Transportation security, Entrepreneurship in operations research online learning

Journal Publications (newest first)

Razani, Ramin; Mohammad Hasany, Reza; Necessity of Implementing Wagon Automatic Tracking Systems and Determination of Best one by Concordance Analysis, Journal of Transportation Research, 2023 (Link).

Zarinmehr, Amir Ali; Mohammad Hasany, Reza; The greedy algorithm for development of the network based on the lowest developing cost: the case study of Iran, Modares Civil Engineering journal, 2023 (Link).

Mohammad Hasany, Reza; Mohammadi, Ali; Four-step modeling of transportation demand for cities with a population of 100,000 to 300,000, Journal of Transportation Research, 2023 (Link).

Zarinmehr, Amir Ali; Mohammad Hasany, Reza; Rail transportation network design using greedy algorithm based on maximum impact on travel time - case study: Iran’s Railways Network, Transportation Engineering Quarterly, 2023 (Link).

Mohammad Hasany, Reza; Rastegar, Kian; Simulation of container operations in the marshaling yard – case study: Aprin station, International Journal of Railway Research, 2022 (Link).

Mohammad Hasany, Reza; Rasaizdi, Arash; A Short-term model for detecting high traffic speed violation by using machine learning approach, Transportation Engineering Quarterly, 2022 (Link).

Mohammad Hasany, Reza; Shafahi, Yousef; Two-stage stochastic programming for the railroad blocking problem with uncertain demand and supply resources, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2017 (Link).

Moeinaddini, Amin; Shafahi, Yousef; Mohammad Hasany, Reza; A simulation model for train movements in the rail network, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Transport, 2019 (Link)

Mohammad Hasany, Reza; Shafahi, Yousef; Modeling formulation and a new heuristic for the railroad blocking problem, Applied Mathematical Modeling, 2018 (Link).

Mohammad Hasany, Reza; Shafahi, Yousef; Robust model and solution algorithm for the railroad blocking problem under uncertainty, Scientia Iranica, 2018 (Link).

Mohammad Hasany, Reza; Shafahi, Yousef; Ant colony optimization for finding the optimal railroad path, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Transport, 2017 (Link)

Conference Proceedings

1-Karmanesh, Yasin, Bagheri, Morteza, Pisvaiee, Mirsaman, Mohammad Hasany, Reza, A Mathematical Dynamic Model For Optimal Allocation Of Frieght Rail Cars Considering The Initial Position Of Rail Cars, A Case Study Railway Of Iran, 16 th internatioal conference of iranian operations research society, 2023.
Zarinmehr, Amir Ali, Mohammad Hasany, Reza; A finding algorithm for the optimal development of Iran's railway network based on the lowest development cost, National Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Management, 2022.

Mohammad Hasany, Reza; Shafahi, Yousef; Kazemi, Seyed Farzan; A Comprehensive Formulation For Railroad Blocking Problem, Proceedings 27th European Conference On Modeling And Simulation ECMS, 2013.

Mohammad Hasany, Reza; Shafahi, Youssef; optimization of classification problem in railways with uncertainty approach, 5th International Conference on Recent Advances in Railway Engineering, 2013.

Professional Positions

Head of transportation engineering division, 2022-now.

Head of international relations of 8th International Conference on Recent Advances in Railway Engineering (ICRARE 2023), 2022-now.

Head of international relations of 7th International Conference on Recent Advances in Railway Engineering (ICRARE 2021), 2021-2022.

Assistant professor, Faculty of Railway Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, 2019-now.

Lecturer, Faculty of Railway Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, 2015-2018.

Assistant professor, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Shahid Beheshti University, 2018-2019.

Blog and Social Networking

Founder of the first website for operations research training in Persian (Link)

Founder of the first online calculator to calculate engineering economy factors in Persian (Link)

Founder of the first online solver of operations research problems in Persian (Link)

Founder of the first website for operations research training in English (Link)

Founder of the first online calculator to calculate engineering economy factors in English (Link)

Founder of the first online solver of operations research problems in English (Link)


Introduction to Transportation Engineering

Demand Analysis

Operations Research I

Operations Research II

Discrete-Event Simulation


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