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:: Dr.Khadem Sameni ::
 | Post date: 2017/04/25 | 

Melody Khadem Sameni, PhD

Assistant Professor in Railway Tranportation Engineering
Email: sameni (AT) iust.ac.ir
ResearcherID Profile: Melody khadem Sameni
ORCiD profile : Melody Khadem Sameni
Google Scholar Profile:Melody Khadem Sameni


PhD in Civil Engineering- Railway Transportation ,

University of Southampton, UK (2008- 2012)

MSc. in Socio-Economic Systems Engineering

Tarbiat Modares University  (2005- 2008)                                                  


BSc. in Railway Transportation Engineering      

Iran University of Science and Technology          (1999- 2004)


  • First Certificate in English (A grade) – Cambridge University
  • Certificate of Teaching Qualification (A grade) – Tarbiat Modares University (Modules Included: Logic, Technology of Education, Instruction Method, Technical writing and Psychology of Education- along with classroom teaching assessment)


English Papers

Khadem Sameni, M. and Kashi Mansouri, M.R . (2017) Analyzing Efficiency of Railway Transportation by Considering Quality of Services: New Data Envelopment Analysis Models, International Journal of Railway Research,  Volume 4- Issue 1, 49-60 .  (Download)

MK Sameni, J Preston, MK Sameni,Evaluating efficiency of passenger railway stations: A DEA approach,Research in Transportation Business & Management (2016) 20, 33-38

Khadem Sameni, M., Landex A. (2013) “Capacity Utilization in European Railways” Proceedings of the 92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., USA.  . (Available online at: http://amonline.trb.org/2velac/2velac)

Khadem Sameni, M., Preston, J. (2012) “Value for Rail Capacity: Assessing Operator’s Efficiency in Great Britain”  Transportation Research Record Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2289, 134-144. )doi:10.3141/2289-18).

Khadem Sameni, M., Landex, A., Preston, J. (2011) “Developing the UIC 406 method for Capacity Analysis”. 4th International Seminar on Railway Operations, Modelling and Analysis 16-18 February, Rome, Italy.

Khadem Sameni, M., Dingler, M., Preston, J., Barkan, C. (2011) “Profit-Generating Capacity for a Freight Railroad” Proceedings of the 90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., USA. (Paper 11-3643, available online at: http://amonline.trb.org/12l3nf)

Khadem Sameni, M., Preston, J., Armstrong, J. (2010) “Railway Capacity Challenge: Measuring and Managing in Britain” ASME/IEEE Joint Rail Conference Proceedings, 2010, 571-578. doi:10.1115/JRC2010-36280

Khadem Sameni, M., Landex, A., Preston, J. (2010) “Revising the UIC 406 method: Revenue Generating Capacity” ASME/IEEE Joint Rail Conference Proceedings, 2010, 579-588. doi:10.1115/JRC2010-36281

 Khadem Sameni, M., Preston, J., Armstrong, J. “Railway Capacity Challenge: Measuring and Managing” UTSG Conference - 5-7 January 2010, Plymouth, UK

Preston, J., Armstrong, J., Khadem Sameni, M., Potts, C., Khosravi, B., Bektas, T. & Bennell, J. (2011) “Overcoming the Capacity Constraints Imposed by Nodes on Railway Networks”. 9th World Congress on Railway Research, 22-26 May, Lille, France.

Rahimi, H., Abbasi, E., Khadem Sameni, M. “Applying Qualitative Risk Assessment to Transportation of Dangerous Goods in Iranian Railways”- Asia Pacific Transportation Safety & Security 2007– APTSS07, 17-18 May 2007, Beijing , China.

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